For et par måneder siden blev en 10-årig dreng voldtaget af en 20-årig irakisk asylansøger under en besøg i en svømmehal i Wien, Østrig. Manden forsvarede sig i retten med, at det var ‘en seksuel nødsituation’, da hans kone stadig var i hjemlandet, og han ikke havde haft sex i fire måneder.
Forklaringen blev ikke vel modtaget af drengens mor, der selv stammer fra Serbien. Hun ønsker ham udvist af landet, men håber først han udsættes for lignende overgreb fra medfanger under afsoningen. Hun fortryder samtidig, at hun har opdraget sine børn til at være imødekommende overfor fremmede.
Moderens beretning kan læses hos Daily Mail – Mother of ten-year-old boy raped in Austrian swimming pool by Iraqi who said it was ‘a sexual emergency’ says she regrets telling her children ‘migrants need our help’.
“The boy’s mother Dunja, who arrived in Austria as an immigrant in the 90s from Serbia during the Civil War, said she had always taught her five children to offer the same hospitality to new arrivals that she had herself received.
Upon hearing her son’s attacker’s claim he had ‘too much sexual energy’, Dunja criticised his defence as ‘just monstrous’ and insisted he should be sent to prison and then be deported. She said she ‘regretted’ teaching her children to be welcoming to migrants.
The boy, known only as Goran, had to be hospitalised with serious injuries and his mother said her son has been crying himself to sleep every night since the attack.
Speaking to local media, Dunja revealed how she was a single mother, who had struggled with little money but had always encouraged her five children not to judge other people. However when she heard the Iraqi migrant’s claims that it was a ‘sexual emergency’, she immediately wished she had warned her son about the dangers of trusting strangers.
… She added: ‘I know that the physical wounds will heal, but the wounds to his soul may never heal. I don’t want the man to be deported, I want him to be jailed because I have heard what they do to child sex attackers in jail. ‘I want him to experience everything in jail that child sex attackers can experience from the other convicts. And then I want him deported.'”
Mon ikke en moderne fortolkning af Shaira vil kunne løse hans “seksuelle nødsituation” permanent med en kødøkse?