Tag: Marine le Pen

The question is simple and cruel: will our children live in a free, independent, democratic country? Will they still be able to refer to our system of values? I am interested not only in the material heritage of the French, but I also want to defend our immaterial capital.

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Appearing together in public for the first time, Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Front, Frauke Petry, leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy’s Northern League and Harald Vilimsky of Austria’s Freedom Party gathered on January 21 at a rally in Koblenz, Germany, where they called on European voters to participate in a “patriotic spring” to topple the European Union, reassert national sovereignty and secure national borders.

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28 procent af de 19 455 adspurgte vælgerne sagde, at de ville stemme på Le Pen, mens kun 14 procent opgav Hollande som deres førstevalg. Tidligere præsident Nicolas Sarkozy, der forventes at blive den republikanske kandidat, fik 21 pct.  Le Monde

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Venstresiden viker unna “Køln” og vil ikke se det politiske ansvar. Den klarer ikke si op sit klientforhold til muslimer, sier Élisabeth Badinter. Marine Le Pen tar initiativet. Hun formulerer hva som står på spill i dagens Europa: Kvinders frihed til å bevege seg i det offentlige rom. Ingen bagatell akkurat.

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