Kategori: Gæsteskribent

Et stenkast fra intetheden

Hvorfra kommer denne åndelige deroute? I hvis interesse? Er det vejen til “Den nye verdensorden” under kommando fra Davos? Rusland vil forresten ikke deltage i Great Reset (GR), men det vil de europæiske ledere.

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UN Will Justify a Mirror Image of Putin’s War

The UN mandate allows it to question the very existence of the State of Israel. Unlike all other UN inquiries, this one has no historic time limit and enables the commission to range right back to the foundation of the state.

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EU-China Relations: “Downward Spiral”

At the European Union-China Summit this month, European officials, after years of kowtowing to China, finally stood their ground. EU-China relations are now on a new footing: Beijing no longer calls the shots.

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Hvad handler konflikten i Ukraine om?

Blev denne borgerkrig taget som gidsel i et større geopolitisk sigte? Og har USA et særligt formål med at gå ind i denne konflikt?

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EU afslører ny strategi til at blive en global stormagt

Målet for Den Europæiske Unions nye “Strategic Compass” er “strategisk autonomi” — muligheden for EU at handle uafhængigt af, og som modvægt til, USA og North Atlantic Treaty Organization — i sager om forsvar og sikkerhed.

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Ukraine War: The Moral Corruption of Germany’s Political Elite

Questions are being belatedly asked — and grudgingly answered — about many aspects of Merkel’s failed Russia policy, including her decisions to block Ukraine’s prospective membership of NATO, gut the German military, undermine the transatlantic alliance, and institutionalize Germany’s overdependence on Russian energy supplies.

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“Oh Allah… Destroy the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus, the Russians, and the Shiites!”: The Persecution of Christians, February 2022

As many as 200 Muslims slaughtered Pervez Masih, a 25-year-old Christian video game store owner. On the evening of Feb. 13, he refused to gamble with some young Muslims who had entered his store.

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Hvorfor invaderede Vladimir Putin Ukraine?

Det følgende er en samling af otte forskellige, men komplementære, teorier, der forsøger at forklare årsagen til Putins invasion af Ukraine.

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Kina vil drage nytte af “Big Oil” Exodus fra Rusland

Bølgen af sanktioner mod Rusland skulle jo straffe Kreml og den russiske befolkning for at invadere Ukraine, men én stor utilsigtet konsekvens ved denne straf blev en yderligere styrkelse af forholdet mellem Rusland og Kina.

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“Why Are His Killers Still Out?”: Persecution of Christians, January 2022

On January 10, Ferdinand Hutahaean, a Christian politician, was arrested in Indonesia for a tweet that was deemed offensive to Islam. He is facing up to 10 years imprisonment.

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