Kategori: Gæsteskribent

Biden Administration Bypassing Americans, Violating US Law, to Appease Regime of Iran

The Biden administration has been accused of secretly bypassing US laws to reach a deal with Iran’s Islamist regime.

On August 10, the Biden administration apparently cut a “deal” excluding Congress and keeping the American people and U.S. regional allies in the dark — even though they are the ones who would be the most directly affected by a “deal.”

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Med denne lov går den danske regering med til at dele sin legitimitet med og Allah og Hans selvudråbte repræsentanter

Ved at vedtage denne lov bliver den danske regering medskyldig med disse tyranniske og morderiske regimer, hvis magt udelukkende hviler på total underkastelse til Koranen. Ved at vedtage denne lov bliver den danske regering både allieret og tjener for de iranske og Taliban-regimer.

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The West Is Importing China’s Cultural Revolution

China’s “Cultural Revolution” already destroyed one great civilization; perhaps the West should reject importing a cultural revolution of its own before it finally becomes too late. If Western Civilization had endured a similar “Cultural Revolution,” it would be as if all of the great ideas from Greek democracy, Roman republicanism, Judeo-Christian theology, Enlightenment reason, the Scientific Revolution, and the preservation of individual liberty had disappeared overnight.

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Time to Get Rid of Federal ‘Disinformation’ Bureaus

Recently, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines announced the creation of a new office within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI): The Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC).

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The Official Truth’: The End of Free Speech That Will End America

If legacy news corporations fail to report that large majorities of the American public now view their journalistic product as straight-up propaganda, does that make it any less true?

According to a survey by Rasmussen Reports, 59% of likely voters in the United States view the corporate news media as “truly the enemy of the people.” This is a majority view, held regardless of race.

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Hvad er Trump ude på?

Donald Trump fortsætter med sine næsten daglige angreb på Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis, som endnu ikke har erklæret, at han vil være republikansk præsidentkandidat. Han er imidlertid den eneste, der i følge meningsmålingerne har en chance for at besejre Trump, som stillingen har været de seneste måneder.

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France: A ‘Field of Ruins’

“A modest reform based on an implacable demographic observation has tipped France into an existential crisis in which everything is wavering… A much deeper malaise is rising to the surface. That of a country haunted by its decline”.

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Europas stedfortræderkrig mod Israel

EU’s handlinger udstiller dets dybe fjendtlighed over for Israel i Europas stedfortræderkrig mod den jødiske stat, såvel som EU’s utilslørede forudindtagethed til fordel for palæstinenserne.

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The World Economic Forum and the West’s Next Act?

Western governments are filled to the brim with people entirely lacking in real-world experience or specialized knowledge. In recent decades, a noticeable trend in the West has been to elevate politicians, as young and inexperienced as possible, into offices as high as possible.

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Hallo, Sverige, er I der stadig ?

I et interview med Dagens Nyheter (15.2.) udtalte den svenske rigspolitichef Anders Thornberg, at han står helt uforstående over for, hvorfor netop Sverige har så mange kriminelle bander sammenlignet med andre lande.

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