Europe’s identity is largely a byproduct of Islam — but hardly in the way the apologists claim. Repeated Muslim aggression against Europe between the Seventh to Eighth Centuries, then between the Fourteenth and the Eighteenth Centuries … was a ‘violent midwife’ to Europe.”
Les mer»“The European capital,” wrote Le Figaro, “will be Muslim in twenty years”. According to the mayor of Brussels, Yvan Mayeur, all the mosques in the European capital are now “in the hands of the Salafists”.
Les mer»Europa er blevet svækket af venstrefløjens utopiske forsøg på at ændre et kontinent, der engang var stolt af sin fortid, til at blive en ineffektiv solidarisk stat, hvis indbyggere går fra at være borgere til at blive afhængige klienter.
Les mer»That many Democrats seem to be planning “fundamentally to change America” by making white people the minority and replacing them with immigrants — both legal and illegal — is no longer a secret.
Les mer»Den 1. marts gav Europa-Kommissionen – den ikke-valgte udøvende del af EU – udbydere af sociale medier besked på at fjerne ulovligt terrorindhold på internettet inden for en time.
Les mer»Den 1. marts gav Europa-Kommissionen – den ikke-valgte udøvende del af EU – udbydere af sociale medier besked påat fjerne ulovligt terrorindhold på internettet inden for en time.
Les mer»Ungarn afholder søndag den 8. april valg til de 199 sæder i landets pragtfulde parlamentsbygning ved Donaus bred, færdigbygget ved afslutningen af æraen for dobbeltmonarkiet Østrig-Ungarn, da landet havde et tre gange større areal end det fik ved fredsslutningen efter 1. verdenskrig og siden har haft.
Les mer»Today, France is the only country in the Western world where Jews are murdered simply for being Jews. Since 2006, eleven French Jews have been killed — men, women, children.
Les mer»The central assumption of Iranian strategists is that the US cannot sustain a long war. It is, therefore, necessary to pin down its forces and raise the kill-die ratio to levels unacceptable by the American public.
Les mer»There seems to exist a symbiotic relationship between the mainstream media and liberal organizations on one side, and the “moderate” Muslim apologists on the other.
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