I et tiltag, som har gjort palæstinensiske menneskerettighedsorganisationer og journalister vrede, vedtog Det Palæstinensiske Selvstyre den 17. april en ny lov, som begrænser ytringsfriheden og medierne
Les mer»Geert Wilders and two other Dutch MPs pose fem questions to Theresa May about Tommy Robinson’s arrest. What is going on in the UK?
Les mer»The police promptly dragged Robinson in front of a judge, where, without having access to his own lawyer, he was summarily tried and sentenced to 13 months behind bars. He was then transported to Hull Prison. Meanwhile, the judge who sentenced him also ordered the British media not to report on his case.
Les mer»Many Muslims see their offspring as their contribution to the jihad, the “struggle” to make Islam supreme, since more numbers equate more influence and power.
Les mer»USA har netop trukket sig ud af den iranske atomaftale. Dette skridt er fuldt berettiget, ikke kun af sikkerhedsgrunde, men først og fremmest fordi Irans Khomeini-revolution er en dødbringende ideologi i fremdrift, som Vesten ikke kan tillade at blive en atommagt. På det franske satireblad Charlie Hebdo blev alting forandret, da Said og Sharif Kouachi […]
Les mer»In a much-anticipated speech at the Élysée Palace on May 22, Macron, dashed expectations of a major overhaul. Macron’s proposals are a far cry from an ambitious plan announced less than a month ago by former cabinet minister Jean-Louis Borloo, who had been tasked by Macron to devise a grand strategy for the banlieues.
Les mer»Islamic share of the European population will continue to rise without integration. The fact is that the EU has no policy to deal with this phenomenon that threatens its existence.
Les mer»It increasingly appears that it will be Sweden that integrates into Islamic culture. Recently, a Swedish court ruled in accordance with principles aligned with sharia law.
Les mer»According to Hürriyet Daily News, the Turkish government’s first official response to the French manifesto was to ban new students from admissionto the French departments of Turkish universities “until further notice.”
Les mer»Sverige vil så gerne være en «humanitær stormagt». Det vil vi for så vidt også. Lars Løkke vil i alt fald. Begge steder ramler det, dog foreløbig mest i Sverige. Men det ramler egentlig i hele Vesteuropa.
Les mer»