Kategori: Gæsteskribent

France in Free Fall

The Macron’s popularity is in free fall; it has dropped to 18%. No French president’s popularity has dropped so low, so quickly. Flore Santisteban, a professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, quoted surveys showing that Macron now crystallizes “an intense hatred, and maybe more than hatred: rage”.

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Den “særskilte” palæstinensiske stat

Abbas beskylder Hamas for at samarbejde med Israel og USA om at danne en særskilt palæstinensisk stat i Gazastriben. Det er en latterlig beskyldning, når man betænker, at Hamas stadig søger Israels udslettelse og opfatter USA som en fjende af arabere og muslimer.

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Jul i kristofobiens tid

Attacker mot kyrkor och kristna gravplatser blir allt vanligare även i Europa men får liten uppmärksamhet i media. Kristna irakier som flytt IS folkmord välkomnas nu av Kanada efter att ha nekats asyl i Sverige.

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Germany: New Law Banning Child Marriage Declared Unconstitutional

Germany’s Federal Court of Justice, in its ruling, published on December 14, 2018, stated that the new law against childmarriage was unconstitutional because it violated Articles 1 (human dignity), 2 (free development of personality), 3 (equal protection) and 6 (protection of marriage and family) of the Basic Law, which serves as the German constitution.

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The New Christmas Tradition

It is now taken for granted that Christmas markets across Europe have to be held behind the ugly throttling barriers of “security” – which as we saw yesterday are, ultimately, never secure.

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The Fracturing of France

Gérard Collomb, France’s Interior Minister until last month and currently Mayor of Lyon, is apparently pessimistic about the situation in his country. People do not want to live together,” Collomb lamented. Collomb also warned that there is only a “little time” to improve the situation. “It’s difficult to estimate but I would say that in five years the situation could become irreversible. Yes, we have five, six years to avoid the worst,” he added.

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The European Court of Human Rights Submits to Islam

The European Court of Human Rights ruled on October 25 that to state that the Islamic prophet Muhammad “liked to do it with children” and “… A 56-year-old and a six-year-old?… What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?” goes “beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate,” and could be classified as “an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam which could stir up prejudice and threaten religious peace.”

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Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol støtter sharia-blasfemilov

Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol har afgjort, at kritik af islams grundlægger Muhammed udgør en tilskyndelse til had og derfor ikke er beskyttet ytringsfrihed.

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The EU’s Dangerous New Confidence Game

At the end of last month, the European Court of Human Rights issued its ruling in a long-running case involving an Austrian woman named Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff.

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Kinas ‘digitale’ totalitære eksperiment

De kinesiske myndigheder planlægger opsætningen af omkring 626 millioner overvågningskameraer i Kina inden år 2020. Kameraerne kommer blandt andet til at sende oplysninger til et nationalt “socialt kreditsystem”.

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