Kategori: Gæsteskribent

Realisten: Strategiske tanker for 2019…

Godt 15-20 procent af ungdomsbefolkningen har formentlig allerede indvandrerbaggrund, og når de bliver voksne, så kan indvandrer-andelen af ungdomsbefolkningen være på 30-40 procent. Vi er på vej ud i noget der ser rigtig skidt ud. Udviklingen går kun een vej og den går hurtigt.

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Unrest in France: No End in Sight

Police scuffle with a yellow vest protester on December 18, 2018 in Biarritz, France. (Photo by Gari Garaialde/Getty Images) Saturday, January 26th 2019. “Yellow vests” protests were being organized in the main cities of France. Mobilization was not weakening. Support from the population had decreased slightly but was still huge (60%-70%, according to polls). The main slogan has remained […]

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”Kontroll över situationen”

Vår regering är beredd att kasta oss alla ner i en ännu djupare kris, en kris som kommer att få åren 2015-2016 att framstå som pittoreska söndagsutflykter. För egen del har jag bara ett råd att ge: Börja be. Be för Sverige och för vår framtid. Alldeles oavsett om du tror på Gud eller inte, så sätt ditt hopp till att Han ska hjälpa dig. Vår regering kommer nämligen inte att göra det.

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The Slaughter of Christians; “We Will Teach You a Lesson”: Extremist Persecution of Christians, November 2018

Another woman, after realizing that her husband and daughter had been killed, begged the jihadis to kill her, too. “No,” they said, “you stay and suffer over your husband and daughter.” Then they shot her in the ankles.

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Does the West face “an almost certain doom”?

What we see, in reading Robert Spencer’s The History of Jihad is an on-going clash that rises and falls in intensity according to the tides of war and the energy of the Islamic nations to fight them, and of their neighbors to resist them.

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Spain: Catalonia’s Continuing Jihad Problem

Police in the northeastern Spanish region of Catalonia arrested18 members of a jihadi cell plotting an attack in Barcelona — and then released all but three. The arrests have drawn renewed attention to the continuing problemof radical Islam in Catalonia, which has one of the largest per capita Muslim populations in Europe.

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France in Free Fall

The Macron’s popularity is in free fall; it has dropped to 18%. No French president’s popularity has dropped so low, so quickly. Flore Santisteban, a professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, quoted surveys showing that Macron now crystallizes “an intense hatred, and maybe more than hatred: rage”.

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Den “særskilte” palæstinensiske stat

Abbas beskylder Hamas for at samarbejde med Israel og USA om at danne en særskilt palæstinensisk stat i Gazastriben. Det er en latterlig beskyldning, når man betænker, at Hamas stadig søger Israels udslettelse og opfatter USA som en fjende af arabere og muslimer.

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Jul i kristofobiens tid

Attacker mot kyrkor och kristna gravplatser blir allt vanligare även i Europa men får liten uppmärksamhet i media. Kristna irakier som flytt IS folkmord välkomnas nu av Kanada efter att ha nekats asyl i Sverige.

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Germany: New Law Banning Child Marriage Declared Unconstitutional

Germany’s Federal Court of Justice, in its ruling, published on December 14, 2018, stated that the new law against childmarriage was unconstitutional because it violated Articles 1 (human dignity), 2 (free development of personality), 3 (equal protection) and 6 (protection of marriage and family) of the Basic Law, which serves as the German constitution.

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