Days after the British government rejected its preferred official definition of Islamophobia, the Muslim Council of Britain, the biggest Islamic organization in Britain, called for the ruling Conservative Party to be officially investigated for Islamophobia.
Les mer»The author Renaud Camus noted in his diary that the European people seem to be choosing euthanasia.In the first paragraph of The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray stated: “By the end of the lifespan of most people currently alive, Europe will not be Europe”.
Les mer»Blandt lærere, journalister og medlemmer af den kreative klasse har glemslens slør sænket sig over evnen til at tænke kritisk. Enten ved man ikke ret meget om, hvad der foregik bag Jerntæppet eller også ønsker man ikke at vide det. Men uvidenhed kan aldrig være en fordel.
Les mer»Danmark rangerer på fjerdeplads i verden over kystlængde i forhold til landareal. Vi har mange bugter og fjorde og lavvandede havområder. I de lavvandede havområder kan der plantes ålegræs, som er en undersøisk græsart, som har en helt fantastisk evne til at optage CO2. Ålegræs var tidligere vidt udbredt.
Les mer»Germany: Four separate churches were vandalized or torched in March. “In this country,” the report explained, “there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity…. Crosses are broken, altars smashed, Bibles set on fire, baptismal fonts overturned, and the church doors smeared with Islamic expressions such as ‘Allahu Akbar.'”
Les mer»One of the favourite tactics of the far-left in the West today is to carry out hit-jobs by utilising the tool of ‘adjacency.’ This is the new only slightly fancy term for what has usually been known as ‘guilt by association’.
Les mer»Six African migrants gang-raped a 12-year-old girl in a small town near Madrid, but Spanish authorities kept information about the crime hidden from the public for more than a year, apparently to avoid fueling anti-immigration sentiments.
Les mer»In Denmark, in recent weeks, the issue of free speech has figured prominently in the news.
Les mer»Nogle franskmænd beriger sig i en sådan grad, så de uden at blinke kan donere milliarder til kirkebyggeri, mens almindelige mennesker har svært ved at få dagligdagen til at hænge sammen, hvorfor de opfatter donationerne som en ”provokation”.
Les mer»“The Nigerian government and the mainstream media have downplayed the fact that radical Muslims are slaughtering Christian communities in Nigeria.”
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