Kategori: Gæsteskribent

“There Is No Christian Anymore in This Town”: Persecution of Christians, June 2019

“We cannot allow the Christians… to allege that Jesus is the Son of God,” explained one mosque leader; “this [is] a serious blasphemy to Muslims.”

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Har palæstinenserne brug for et spejl?

Palæstinensere fejrer igen mordet på en jøde – denne gang den 18-årige Dvir Sorek, en ubevæbnet soldat, der ikke var i tjeneste, som blev dødeligt dolket, og hvis legeme blev fundet den 8. august på en stenet grund i bosættelsesblokken Gush Etzion nær Betlehem. Ikke en eneste palæstinenser har fordømt det ubarmhjertige drab på teenageren. […]

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The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East

In Mosul alone, 45 churches were vandalized or destroyed. Not a single one was spared. Today there is only one church open in the city. ISIS apparently also wanted to destroy Christian history there. They targeted the monastery of Saints Behnam and Sarah, founded in the fourth century.

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Korrupsjon ingen hindring

Norge pøser penger inn i UNRWA. Lederen, Pierre Krähenbühl, benyttet innsamlede bistandsmidler til internasjonale flyreiser på business-klasse sammen med sin elskerinne som han hurtig forfremmet til en skreddersydd stilling.

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Killing Free Speech in France, Germany and on the Internet

In May, France called for increasing government oversight over Facebook. Now Facebook has agreed to hand over to French judges the identification data of French users suspected of hate speech on its platform, according to France’s Secretary of State for the Digital Sector, Cédric O.

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Norge og den euro-arabiske dialog, – en påminnelse

Det er for lengst “slått fast” i den norske debatten at det euro-arabiske samarbeidet ikke eksisterer.  Det fremstilles derfor som en konspirasjonsteori som brukes for å undergrave det flerkulturelle samfunnet og som gjør muslimene til “de nye jødene.”  

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France Slowly Sinking into Chaos

Paris, Champs-Élysées. July 14. Bastille Day. Just before the military parade begins, President Emmanuel Macron comes down the avenue in an official car to greet the crowd. Thousands of people gathered along the avenue shout “Macron resign”, boo and hurl insults.

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An Increasingly Dangerous Stand-off between Civilizations

Until extremists on all sides wish to adjust to life as it has developed in the past century, it seems as if both the hatred and violence will continue.

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“We Are Never Heard”: Persecution of Christians, May 2019

“When the next wave of violence begins to hit us, will anyone on your campuses hold demonstrations and carry signs that say ‘We are all Christians’?” — Rev. Bashar Warda, Archbishop of Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, in an address delivered in London.

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Facebook: More Government Censorship

In France, a recent government report about Facebook, commissioned by President Emmanuel Macron, has called for increasing government oversight over the social media giant. This new ‘oversight’ includes allowing an “independent regulator” to police how Facebook deals with alleged hate speech

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