Kategori: Gæsteskribent

UK: Jewish conservative’s door broken down, he is handcuffed and jailed on suspicion of “Islamophobia”

On Tuesday the 22nd October, at approximately 07:15, whilst I was getting my four year old child ready for school, there was a rather aggressive knock at my front door. I opened the door and found a whole bunch of police officers who wanted me to come out and ‘talk to them’.

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Svenskere flygter

Svenskere flytter. Problemer i mange kommuner får svenskere til at flytte til andre områder med færre socioøkonomiske problemer. Emnet har for nylig vakt de etablerede svenske mediers interesse.

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Italy: Mass Legalization of Migrants is Suicidal

Cardinal Robert Sarah, author of a new book, The Day Is Now Far Spent, about the crisis of the West, compares the current influx of migrants to the invasions of barbarians that brought down the Roman Empire. If Europe’s policies toward migrants do not change, Sarah warns, Europe will be “invaded by foreigners, just as Rome was invaded by barbarians.”

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France: The Headscarf Debate is Not about Headscarves

France’s Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, has reopened the heated debate on the headscarf.

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Does Angela Merkel Deserve a Prize for Zionism?

“There is a great possibility that thanks to today’s politics Germany will become Judenrein [free of Jews]. Wir schaffen das (We can do it).”

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France: More Death to Free Speech

Caricatures were published depicting Zemmour in a Waffen SS uniform. Another journalist, Dominique Jamet, apparently not seeing any problem comparing a Jew to a Nazi, said that Zemmour reminded him of Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. On the internet, death threats against Zemmour multiplied.

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ISIS’s Turkish Homecoming

For long periods during the brutal Syrian conflict, Mr Erdogan’s regime supported a number of groups that enjoyed close affiliation with ISIS, as well as other Islamist terror groups such as Al-Qaeda.

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France’s Homegrown Terrorism

The site of the October 3 attack was also striking: “The interior of the Paris police headquarters is supposed to be a stronghold; it is the symbol of public order in France and of the anti-jihadist struggle that has been shaken,” the French scholar Gilles Kepel told Le Figaro.

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Turkey Flooding Europe with Migrants

Greece has once again become “ground zero” for Europe’s migration crisis. More than 40,000 migrants arrived in Greece during the first nine months of 2019, and more than half of those arrived during just the past three months, according to new data compiled by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Erdoğan’s threats to resume mass migration are becoming a reality.

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France Welcomes the Saudis, Condemns Critics of Islam

The French Institute of Muslim Civilization opened in Lyon on September 19, in the presence of the French Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner. He welcomed the project for an “open Islam” dedicated to the “fight against prejudice”.

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