According to Amsterdam Mayor Halsema [the mayor, Groen-Links, formerly the Communist Party], girls and young women are being confronted with sexual intimidation or violence in increasing numbers.
Les mer»It is no secret that hundreds of former Islamic State/Da’esh fighters may have returned or hope yet to return to their countries of origin in Europe: “We could soon be facing a second wave of other Islamic State linked or radicalised individuals that you might call Isis 2.0.” Jürgen Stock, Interpol’s chief.
Les mer»Rastänkandet inom svensk sjukvård innebär rent konkret att jag som svensk förvägras den snabba diagnostisering och specialisthjälp som en nyanländ afghan får tillgång till, trots att våra trauman orsakats av exakt samma krig, exakt samma IED:er (IED = improvised explosive device, det vill säga en vägbomb) och eldstrider med exakt samma insurgenter. Vi kan båda ha sett våra vänner dödas, men vi bedöms olika, på grund av vår etnicitet.
Les mer»The global persecution of Christians has reached unprecedented levels: “260 million Christians experience high levels of persecution” around the world, notes the recently published Open Doors World Watch List 2020,
Les mer»Men hijab ska inte normaliseras, varken i samhället eller inom modeindustrin, och detta av den enkla anledning att hijab inte handlar om mode utan om ideologi.
Les mer»In a country that used to stand for freedom of expression, self-censorship is soaring. “We feel that this religion is scary. The word Islam is scary, and on that, the terrorists have won.” says Charlie Hebdo columnist, Patrick Pelloux. Submission is winning.
Les mer»Kristendomsfientligheten sveper över Västeuropa där kristna kyrkor och symboler under 2019 blev attackerade dag efter dag.
Les mer»Nigeria is experiencing an Islamist war of the extermination of Christians. So far, 900 churches in northern Nigeria have been destroyed by Boko Haram. U.S. President Donald J. Trump was informed that at least 16,000 Christians have been killed there since 2015.
Les mer»Jeg har truffet et valg.
Jeg vil altid stå på børnenes side.
Jeg håber, at I – der ser med – vil træffe det valg sammen med mig.
Det kommer med en pris. Det gør enhver svær beslutning.
Les mer»Anti-Christian hostility is sweeping across Western Europe, where, during 2019, Christian churches and symbols were deliberately attacked day after day.
Les mer»