A recent survey shows that 70% of French people think that the government is not telling the truth, and 79% think that the government and the President do not know where they are going.
Les mer»As the coronavirus unleashes economic shockwaves across Europe, the European single currency, the most visible symbol of European unification, is facing collapse. The eurozone — a monetary union of 19 of the 27 Member States of the European Union that have adopted the euro as their common currency — is being buffeted not only by […]
Les mer»De iranska myndigheterna hävdade först att landet inte upplevde någon kris vad gällde coronaviruset: att ingen i Iran hade drabbats av sjukdomen. Snart läckte dock information som avslöjade att högt uppsatta iranska tjänstemän var medvetna om coronaviruset i Iran men hade beslutat att dölja sanningen.
Les mer»During several separate incidents, militant Muslims—whether Fulani herdsmen, Boko Haram, or generic terrorists—continued to attack and massacre several Christians.
Les mer»For more than a month, the central government’s foreign ministry and the Communist Party’s Global Times have been trying to tar the Trump administration. The campaign culminated in a series of tweets from rising Beijing star Zhao Lijian, foreign ministry spokesman and deputy director general of the ministry’s Information Department.
Les mer»“China managed the virus with very, very tough measures. The development in Europe is a very, very negative one. We can still react, we can still do something. But the numbers are growing alarmingly fast.”
Les mer»“Befinder vi os i Frankrig eller Pakistan?”, spørger den franske intellektuelle Jacques Julliard. Velkommen til Frankrig anno 2020, hvor tidsskrifter har overskrifter som: “Mila på 16 år trues på livet for at kritisere islam”.
Les mer»A plan by the Greek government to build new migrant camps on five Aegean islands has sparked violent opposition from local residents, who fear that the facilities will encourage yet more mass migration from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Les mer»“Most migrant terrorists involved in thwarted or completed attacks were purposefully deployed to the migration flows by an organized terrorist group to conduct or support attacks in destination countries.”
Les mer»The refrain now heard across China is, “We want freedom of speech!” People in that stricken society, like those seeking freedom in Hong Kong, have adopted as their anthem the politically impactful song from Les Miserables, “Do You Hear the People Sing?”
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