Multinational companies, philanthropic foundations and private citizens have been donating tens of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter (BLM), and a recent survey by the Pew Research Center has found that more than two-thirds of Americans support the BLM movement.
Les mer»Attacks on Christians are intensifying in Nigeria and across the Sahel region and Eastern Africa. Whilst in the Greater Middle East there is no letup, even against Christians who has survived IS and returned. The future looks bleak.
Les mer»Has Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah changed his mind about the US, which he always considered a great enemy of the Arabs and Muslims? Not likely. More likely is that he is trying to dupe the Americans into giving Lebanon money to prevent the collapse of his Iranian-backed terrorist group.
Les mer»“Topple the racists” consists of a map with 60 statues in 30 British cities. The removal of the statues is being requested to support a movement born in the United States after a white policeman, Derek Chauvin, killed a black man, George Floyd, by kneeling on his neck.
Les mer»Premierminister (i dag præsident for Det Europæiske Råd) Charles Michels regering besluttede i 2015 at ødelægge hele Belgiens “strategiske lager” af 63 millioner beskyttende ansigtsmasker, herunder de værdifulde FFP2-masker – for at kunde huse migranter.
Les mer»European governments are using the coronavirus pandemic to grant mass amnesties to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
Les mer»Exempting the no-go zones from a lockdown appears to be one way the government implicitly admits that they are no longer a part of French territory.
Les mer»Den fejlagtige fremstilling af Den Hellige Skrift ved Det Danske Bibelselskab (DBS) er blevet mødt med højlydte internationale protester, som kræver en tilbagetrækning af den forfalskede Bibel.
Les mer»Generaldirektøren for verdenssundhedsorganisationen World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, kan se frem til en øget granskning af sin håndtering af coronaviruspandemien, som har smittet mere end to millioner mennesker verden over og dræbt mindst 150.000.
Les mer»Med mere end en halv million registrerede smittede med COVID-19 i Europa er et stigende antal regionale sundhedsmyndigheder begyndt at udgive retningslinier og protokoller, der opfordrer hospitalerne til at prioritere yngre patienter højere end ældre patienter.
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