After the Charlie Hebdo massacre in 2015, Tony Barber wrote in the Financial Times that the massacred journalists and cartoonists had been “stupid”. It recently happened again.
Les mer»Dengang Frankrig var et frit land, hvor folk kunne gå hvorhen de ville, klæde sig som de ville, ånde frit, spise og drikke uden problemer på restauranterne og barerne, betragtede de med en hvis nedladenhed de muslimske lande, hvor kvinderne ikke kunne gå uledsagede på gaden og måtte jokke afsted iklædt kartoffelsække.
Les mer»Erdoğan comes from the ranks of Turkey’s militant political Islamism that emerged in late 1960s under the leadership of the ideologue, Necmettin Erbakan, Turkey’s first Islamist prime minister and Erdoğan’s mentor.
Les mer»We are witnessing the constitution in certain neighborhoods of an Islamist ecosystem made up of shops, food, clothing, as well as drinking establishments based on a halal standard… Reinforced by propaganda using the learning of Koranic Arabic, the dissemination of extremist literature
Les mer»Foruden islam og venstrefløjen, som i lang tid har samarbejdet om at ødelægge Frankrig, er Frankrigs største fjende for tiden Macron, som bruger dem i egen interesse, idet han tillader, og endda favoriserer og opmuntrer islamisering af Frankrig.
Les mer»The possibility does exist that before long, most of the Sunni Arab states will recognize that their interests lie in a peace process with Israel. They will see the economic, technological, diplomatic and military advantages in having Israel as an ally instead of an enemy.
Les mer»There is a very strong belief in Ramallah that many other countries are going to follow the example of the United Arab Emirates and normalize relations with Israel. This sense of isolation, this sense of betrayal by their own Arab brothers has resulted in protests in the West Bank and in Gaza.
Les mer»Jeg har svært ved at forbinde EU med fred og stabilitet, snarere som en dyr fiasko, der kun kan hænge sammen ved tvang og uhæderlige fiksfakserier helt uden om befolkningernes medvirken.
Les mer»People around President Trump were prosecuted and/or had their lives destroyed based on a scheme of U.S. government lies. Who appears to have been “in on it” from day one? Gina Haspel.
Les mer»Shortly before the knifing attack, on September 22, Charlie Hebdo’s director of human resources, Marika Bret, did not come home. In fact, she no longer has a home. She was evicted after serious and concrete death threats from extremist Muslims. She decided to make her “exfiltration” public for French intelligence to alert the public to the threat of extremism in France. “I have lived under police protection for almost five years”, she told the weekly Le Point.
Les mer»