Kategori: Gæsteskribent

‘We Will Squash Them’: The Persecution of Christians, November 2020

“Islamic militants turned a village soccer field in northern Mozambique into an execution ground when they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence between Friday, November 6, and Sunday, November 8…. I”

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Kina ‘oversvømmer’ USA med spioner

Kina har hundreder – måske tusinder – af agenter i USA, der identificerer, oplærer, støtter, påvirker, kompromitterer og korrumperer amerikanere i politik og andre områder, der er vigtige for dem.

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Drug Trafficking: The Dirtiest Little Secret

Dirty cops are killing Americans, directly and indirectly. In a border community like El Paso, the Mexican cartels have an insidious, silent and powerful control that few people wish to acknowledge or accept.

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Austria: Top Court Overturns Headscarf Ban

The Austrian Constitutional Court has ruled that Austria’s ban on the wearing of headscarves in public schools violates the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression and therefore is unconstitutional.

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France Is Still Under Attack

“For Muslims, Islamic law has God as its author. Any other legislator is illegitimate. When people live under laws other than this one, not only do they sin if they accept this state of affairs, but they also live under the reign of injustice and oppression.”

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EU: New Pact on Migration and Asylum

The question at the core of the internal EU conflict over migration in Europe is not practical but political: whether the EU should take any migrants at all.

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Are the American Media Legitimizing Terror Attacks in France?

After the Charlie Hebdo massacre in 2015, Tony Barber wrote in the Financial Times that the massacred journalists and cartoonists had been “stupid”. It recently happened again.

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Udgangsforbud og masker er en forløber for sharia og sløret – et sundhedsdiktatur

Dengang Frankrig var et frit land, hvor folk kunne gå hvorhen de ville, klæde sig som de ville, ånde frit, spise og drikke uden problemer på restauranterne og barerne, betragtede de med en hvis nedladenhed de muslimske lande, hvor kvinderne ikke kunne gå uledsagede på gaden og måtte jokke afsted iklædt kartoffelsække.

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Erdoğan’s Jihad on “Infidel Europe”

Erdoğan comes from the ranks of Turkey’s militant political Islamism that emerged in late 1960s under the leadership of the ideologue, Necmettin Erbakan, Turkey’s first Islamist prime minister and Erdoğan’s mentor.

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Report Warns of Islamic Radicalization in France

We are witnessing the constitution in certain neighborhoods of an Islamist ecosystem made up of shops, food, clothing, as well as drinking establishments based on a halal standard… Reinforced by propaganda using the learning of Koranic Arabic, the dissemination of extremist literature

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