Biden will, in his American Jobs Plan as it’s formally called, create millions of good-paying jobs. Many of those jobs, however, will not be in America,. For three principal reasons, his jobs plan will create full employment in China.
Les mer»När utländska forskare om 20, 30 år kommer att beskriva Sverige så kommer de att ställa sig frågan:
”förstod inte svenska folket själva utvecklingen?” och svaret blir:
Part of America has “declared war” and “is intent on destroying the most tolerant, inclusive, egalitarian society ever created,” wrote the American author David Horowitz recently. “The good news,” he added, “is that a patriotic movement has risen, rededicated to the propositions that all men are created equal and endowed with God-given rights to life and liberty, and is prepared to defend them”.
Les mer»Every dollar that goes into a Chinese enterprise, whether state or private, enriches a regime that has declared a “people’s war” on the United States. Therefore, every company should be off-limits to investment from Americans.
Les mer»The number of anti-Semitic hate crimes in Germany surged to a two-decade high in 2020, according to new statistics released by the German government.
Les mer»Diktaturet er en indbygget del af globaliseringsprojektet. Macron bebuder et kommende statskup under diktatur
Les mer»Bing Su, a Chinese geneticist at the state-run Kunming Institute of Zoology, recently inserted the human MCPH1 gene, which develops the brain, into a monkey. The insertion could make that animal’s intelligence more human than that of lower primates. Su’s next experiment is inserting into monkeys the SRGAP2C gene, related to human intelligence, and the FOXP2 gene, connected to language skills.
Les mer»Ma Yun, until recently China’s richest individual, is in detention in a Chinese cell, is in hiding in China, is “embracing supervision” from the ruling Communist Party, or is in Singapore after having evaded Chinese authorities. One observer even argues Ma’s disappearance, the object of intense speculation in China and elsewhere, is nothing more than a ruse.
Les mer»Aktuelt siger 57% af muslimer under 25 år, at de, i tilfælde af uoverensstemmelser mellem den franske republiks love og sharia, helst vil overholde sharia.
Les mer»The record shows that during its stint on the UN Security Council, Germany voted for dozens of resolutions — many of which smack of anti-Semitism — that singled out Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.
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