Twenty five year-old Ali Harbi Ali has been arrested on suspicion of the murder last week of British Member of Parliament Sir David Amess in a church in Essex. Ali is a member of a well-to-do Somali family who were given refuge in Britain from the war-torn East African country in the 1990s. British authorities had previously been alerted to his radicalisation and he was referred to the UK’s “Prevent” anti-terrorist scheme.
Les mer»“We’re going back to pre-9/11 right now,” Representative Michael McCaul, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee said on September 12, “but it’s worse, it’s worse because now they’re [the Taliban] fully armed with our weapons, our helicopters and pallets of our cash”.
Les mer»The European Parliament has enraged many Arabs by calling for a boycott of Expo 2020 Dubai, taking place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) between October 2021 and March 2022. The timing of the resolution is problematic. It implies that the European Parliament is seeking to punish the UAE for signing a peace treaty with Israel.
Les mer»What several international observers have for years characterized as a “pure genocide” of Christians in Nigeria has reached new levels.
Since the Islamic insurgency began in earnest in July 2009 — first at the hands of Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist organization, and later by the Fulani, who are Muslim herdsmen also radicalized and motivated by jihadist ideology — more than 60,000 Christians have either been murdered or abducted during raids.
Les mer»The question has been asked dozens of different ways, depending on the questioner and the public policy issue. “Who is controlling the Biden presidency?”
Les mer»We are the civilization that built the modern world. If you do not like us, we can go back to what it was 500 years ago. Basically, the world functions because of the world we built.
Les mer»Det er tilsyneladende en hverdagsbegivenhed, at unge kristne og hinduistiske piger, hvoraf nogle er under 12 år, tvinges til at konvertere til islam. Det virker ikke til at betyde noget for dem, der er i en position, hvorfra de ville kunne bringe denne praksis til ophør. Der går næsten ikke en dag, uden at det pågår.
Les mer»På mødet i Sikkerhedsrådet, som blev afholdt i slutningen af juli, lød der ikke et ord om menneskerettighedskrænkelser og aggressioner begået af Selvstyret på Vestbredden og Hamas i Gazastriben.
Les mer»“What we’ve witnessed this week in Afghanistan is a watershed moment in Western decline”, Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote.”America cares more about pronouns than the fate of Afghan women.”
Les mer»Da Khamenei udnævnte Raisi til leder af regimets berygtede juridiske system fremhævede Raisi i en tale : “Vi vil ikke kappe fingrene af dem, der er korrupte; vi vil skære hele deres hånd af.”
Les mer»