Forfatter: Hanne Tolg

Multikultur bliver til monokultur i Oslo. Det er intet, der slår profetens navn i popularitet i den fejlslagne “flerkultur”. Mohammad (med variantioner over stavemåden) var det mest populære drengenavn i Oslo i 2013. Og i 2014. Og i 2015. Og i 2016. Ja, helt siden 2007 har Mohammad været det mest populære drengenavn at give […]

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Muslims need to know that the world does indeed have a justifiable and legitimate concern about Islam and actions done in the name of Islam by Muslims. Muslims need to look at themselves in the mirror and see the world from the point of view of their victims. Instead, the West is sacrificing its culture, […]

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Michael Flynn går af som national sikkerhedsrådgiver. Det er et stort personlig nederlag, og en flænge i presidenten. Hans fjender har ventet på et fejlsteg. De lugter blod.

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In October, Turkey’s religious affairs general directorate, or “Diyanet,” issued a circular for the formation of “youth branches” to be associated with the country’s tens of thousands of mosques. Initially, the youth branches will be formed in 1,500 mosques. But under the plan, 20,000 mosques will have youth branches by 2021, and finally 45,000 mosques will have them. Observers fear the youth branches may turn into Erdogan’s “mosque militia,” like the Nazi Party’s Hitler Youth organization in Germany.

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Germany will need to take in 300,000 migrants annually for the next 40 years to stop population decline, according to a leaked government report.

The document, parts of which were published by the Rheinische Post on February 1, reveals that the German government is counting on permanent mass migration — presumably from Africa, Asia and the Middle East — to keep the current size of the German population (82.8 million) stable through 2060.

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France is the principal theatre of the Islamist offensive in Europe. We are not only thinking of the attacks which have marked the last two years, but of the creation on French territory of a veritable counter-society.

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»Der er ingen tvivl om, at danskheden er presset. Det er nødvendigt at stå fast på vores værdier, og hvordan vi er som danskere, og jeg synes, der har været alt for meget eftergivenhed i de seneste år,« siger hun. Pia Kjærsgaard afviste iransk ambassadør: Han nægtede at give mig hånden

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President Donald Trump, what a relief! What a relief in comparison with the leftist dictatorship of the fearful cowardly and willfully blind leaders that we have in the rest of Europe and also here in this Chamber. It makes one cry. I tell you, finally America has a President, finally a Western country has a President who not only fulfills his promises, but also states that the security of his own citizens is his primary concern.

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The question is simple and cruel: will our children live in a free, independent, democratic country? Will they still be able to refer to our system of values? I am interested not only in the material heritage of the French, but I also want to defend our immaterial capital.

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Donald Trump indevarsler to ting der går under mediernes radar: Det er ok at være hvid igen. Og: Tøsedrengenes tid er omme. Begge dele er svært for medierne at sluge. For mange år siden læste jeg en artikel i Rolling Stone, der indledte med at The Beatles made it ok to be white again. I […]

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