Forfatter: Douglas Murray
History suggests that when the law makes it illegal to tell the truth, a reliable portion of people can be called upon to lie. So it has been in the past. And so it will be with Canada. So it would be anywhere once the law became an opponent of truth rather than the protector of it.
Les Mer...
Når en religiøs gruppe bryder med sin oprindelige tro er den nødt til at skabe sin egen nye identitet. Religionssociologien lærer os, at i den første fase begynder den nye gruppe altid at angribe den gamle religion voldsomt.
Les Mer...
The breakdown in law and order in Muslim neighborhoods in Paris is being fueled by impunity for criminals and a lenient judicial system, according to Hugues Moutouh, a former advisor to the Interior Ministry.
Les Mer...
February 10. The Constitutional Council, the highest court in France, ruled that a law adopted in June 2016, which makes it a crime to consult jihadist websites, is unconstitutional. The ten-member council ruled that the law, which sets a two-year prison sentence and €30,000 ($32,000) fine for anyone “habitually” consulting jihadist websites, infringed on the fundamental freedom […]
Les Mer...
Konfrontationen mellem Holland og Tyrkiet handler om langt mere end adgangen til at føre valgkamp på et andet lands territorium. Det er en islamistisk wanna-be-dikator der vil score points på at fremstå som muslimernes talsmand overfor Vesten, på EUs hjemmebane. Erdogans modus operandi minder om Hitlers: Først provokationer, afløst af påberåbt krænkelse, der kræver genoprettelse […]
Les Mer...
“Far-right” is the far-left media’s redefinition of what used to be called “patriotism” or simply “cultural self-preservation.” The international Left, of course, can’t have that — it interferes with the whole Frankfurt School/communist mission to destroy the West by undermining its faith in its own institutions, and then using those institutions against it. This movement has long […]
Les Mer...
The European Parliament has introduced a new procedural rule, which allows for the chair of a debate to interrupt the live broadcasting of a speaking MEP “in the case of defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behavior by a Member”
Les Mer...
Europa bruger friheden til at forsvare den grænseløse indvandring. At rige mennesker nu har begyndt at forlade kontinentet taler sit tydelige sprog: De tror ikke på fremtiden.
Les Mer...
Når man læser Jyllands-Postens leder om EU, interviewet med Anders Samuelsen med hans hyldest til Emmanuel Macron, og avisens kronik “Hvorfor muslimerne hader os” – så forstår man, at Danmark ikke har nogen politik, men driver for vejr og vind. Er det med Nic Blædels titel Forbrydelse eller dumhed? Det er begge dele. Når Jyllands-Posten […]
Les Mer...
Just as Marxists claim a universal validity for their political ideology, Ramadan says he believes that religious principles, as revealed in the Koran, are universal. It was as a universalist that Ramadan promoted the right of Muslim women to wear the veil at French schools. “Rights are rights,” he said, “and to demand them is […]
Les Mer...