Jeremy Corbyn stod i Clerkenwell Green i London søndag, 1. maj, og lovpriste mangfoldet. Det er det der har gjort os stærke, sagde Corbyn. Han fik direkte svar fra Labour-kollega i Israel, Isaac Herzog, som spurgte: Mangfold med hvem? Med Hamas?
‘We stand absolutely against anti-Semitism in any form,’ he said.
‘We stand absolutely against racism in any form. We stand united as a Labour movement recognising our diversity.’
However, Mr Corbyn dodged questions from journalists about the crisis after his speech.
Corbyn og hans fløj definerer ikke længre debatten. De ligger an til et solid nederlag i lokalvalget denne uge.
De antisemitiske udtalelser fra Naz Shah og Ken Livingstone har pludselig sat søgelyset på hvad mangfold betyder i praksis. Hvem er det man er sammen med, og hvem er man mod? Er det her virkelig socialdemokratiet i det 21. århundrede?
The leader of Labour’s sister party in Israel has written to Mr Corbyn to say he was ‘appalled and outraged’ by the alleged anti-Semitism.
Isaac Herzog invited Mr Corbyn to visit Israel’s Holocaust Museum to help the party ‘better understand the scourge of anti-Semitism’.
Mr Regev urged Mr Corbyn to take up the invitation, and also delivered the veiled rebuke over Mr Corbyn’s previous associations with extremist group Hamas.
‘You’ve had too many people on the progressive side of politics who have embraced Hamas and Hezbollah,’ he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show in an apparent reference to Mr Corbyn’s previous description of the groups as ‘friends’.
‘Both of them are anti-Semitic organisations, you just have to read Hamas’ charter and it’s like chapters straight out of the prodigals of the elders of Zion.
‘Yet some progressive politicians have embraced Hamas. Now, I’d ask the following question: if you’re progressive, you’re embracing an organisation which is homophobic, which is misogynistic, which is openly anti-Semitic, what’s progressive about that?’
Asking whether anyone could imagine senior politicians sharing a platform with figures who supported other types of racism, Mr Regev said: ‘Why can you share a platform with someone who is openly anti-Semitic?’
He added: ‘I have no doubt that part of the left is in denial. They say ‘anti-Semitism, that’s the right, that’s the fascists’. That’s a cop-out. It doesn’t stand up to serious historical examination.’
Former Cabinet minister Eric Pickles said Mr Corbyn had a ‘blind spot’ on anti-Semitism and had ‘given a green light’ to those on the fringes of the party.
“I think Mr Corbyn has got a problem,’ he told Sky News’ Murnaghan programme.
“He has been too close to terrorist organisation, he has been too involved in anti-Israeli activity and I think it’s a blind spot.
“He has kind of given a green light to those people who existed on the fringe of the Labour Party to make it mainstream.”
Men udviklingsminister i Corbyns skyggekabinett, Diane Abbott, var af en anden mening. Hun fandt det logisk både at fordømme antisemitisme, og hævde at Corbyn og partiet er udsat for en bagvaskelseskampagne.
But in a defiant performance on the Marr show Ms Abbot said: ‘It is a smear to say that the Labour Party has a problem with anti-Semitism.’
The international development secretary insisted: ‘I take anti-Semitism extremely seriously, so does the party. that is why every single – I think 12 – allegations about anti-Semitism since Jeremy became leader has resulted in a suspension.’
When Ms Abbott said the criticism over anti-Semitism was ‘something of a smear against ordinary party members’ a clearly infuriated Mr Marr interrupted: ‘Absolutely not. That is ridiculous.’
Asked why Mr Corbyn had set up an inquiry if there was no problem, Ms Abbot replied: ‘There are issues about process.’
Topbillede: Labour har fået 200.000 nye medlemmer siden Jeremy Corbyn blev lederkandidat. Hva slags mennesker er der nu der trækkes til Labour? Diane Abbott gir en pegepind om at det måske ikke er mennesker der helt forstår hvad man kan tillade sig at sige og ligevel beholde respekt og agtelse.
[…] 196 voldelige hendelser. Hvis det var en anden gruppe, lad os sige muslimer, der var udsat for vold i et sådan omfang, hvad ville medierne og den politiske klasse sagt? Der ville næppe været et øje tørt. Det ville været officielle kampagner: lad os beskytte dagens jøder. Men når de virkelige jøder igen bliver jaget, qua jøder, bliver establishment forlegent. […]
Mangfold ødelegger sosial samhørighet i Danmark, Norge, UK og vesten. Hadde “invasjonen” bestått av personer med kristen / ateistisk bakgrunn og ikke av 70 % muslimer i beste krigførende alder ville integreringen kunne fungert.
“Diversity DESTROYS Social Cohesion in the West”
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