Nick Hækkerup. Overholdt han sandhedspligten?
Folketingets dagsorden kan sagtens udløse tanker om hvad der foregår i kongeriget:
Monday 10. may:
There is a meeting today at Folketingssalen where a number of bills are being considered. One of these is a proposal to expel criminal foreigners who have violated the penal code.
Tuesday 11. may
The organisation ’Brobyggerne’ hosts an on-line Ramadan dinner. A range of speakers, including former prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen and Pernille Skipper, Enhedslisten, take part. The event is hosted by Özlem Cekic on behalf of Brobyggerne.
Minister of Justice Nick Hækkerup has been summoned for an open consultation at Parliament regarding a security assessment done by PET (The Danish Security and Intelligence Service). The assessment concerns possible threats posed by Danish children in Syria. At the consultation the minister is asked to explain whether he complied with his so-called “sandhedspligt’ during another meeting at Parliament that took place on 6 September 2019.