
18-årige Aboulakh Anzorov, tjetjensk flygtning

Så blev der sat ansigt på Aboulakh Anzorov, den 18-årige tjetjenske flygtning, der fredag halshuggede 47-årige Samuel Paty. Femten personer er foreløbigt anholdt i relation til terrorangrebet, herunder en elevs far, en imam og fire elever der hjælp gerningsmanden med at udpege det senere offer. Fra The Sun – Paris terror attacker asked kids to point out teacher who showed Mohammed cartoons in class before beheading him.

“The killer has been named as 18-year-old Aboulakh Anzorov – a Russian national of Chechen origin. He had been granted a ten-year residency as a refugee in March and was not known to intelligence services. …

Nine people – including members of the attacker’s family and parents of a child at the school – have been arrested.

Anzorov asked pupils to point Mr Paty out before launching into the frenzied attack, a French anti-terrorism prosecutor today revealed. …

Jean-Francois Ricard, France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor confirmed the attacker’s identity last night.

He said: ‘He enjoyed refugee status but had hidden his radical Islamism from the security services.’”

“Four school pupils who may have helped identify Mr Paty to his killer in exchange for payment have been detained, a judicial source told the AFP news agency on Monday. This brings to a total of 15 the number of people taken into custody in the aftermath of the murder. The killer’s grandfather, parents and 17-year-old brother were detained shortly after the gruesome attack. The father of a pupil who reportedly launched an online campaign against Mr Paty and a preacher described by French media as a radical Islamist were among six people arrested on Saturday. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin accused the two men of having issued a ‘fatwa’ against the teacher. (BBC, 19. oktober 2020)