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French Official Says Quarantine Should Not be Enforced in Migrant Areas to Avoid Riots

I Sverige er det stilhed før stormen. I løbet af den kommende uge ved vi, hvor dødelig den svenske strategi bliver. Indfører Sverige så – alt, alt for sent – også karantæneregler, og den samme situation er forventelig der, for Samhällsproblemen som fanns före corona har inte upphört.

Ghettoerne vil ikke kunne  kontrolleres, politiet må flygte som de allerede gør i Frankrig. Endnu et monument over kriminel, politisk virksomhed. Jeg skrev for tolv dage siden, at dette ville blive en stresstest for det multikultiskadede Vesteuropa. Den test begynder nu, og klarer vi den venter der bare en perlerække af nye.

A top government official in France has admitted that draconian lockdown measures being imposed on the rest of the population shouldn’t be implemented in the country’s migrant-heavy ghettos in order to prevent riots.

In a letter leaked to magazine Le Canard Enchaine, French Secretary of State to the Ministry of the Interior Laurent Nunez advises, “It is not a priority to enforce closings in certain neighborhoods and to stop gatherings.”

“This undermining of the laws that Macron declared as essential, this clear disregard for the population as a whole, comes at a time when police, ambulance and firefighters face record levels of hostility when they venture into the suburbs where gangs set cars on fire then attack them when they arrive to help,” writes Damian Wilson.

As is illustrated in the clip below, whenever police attempt to enforce quarantine measures, or indeed any other act of law enforcement, in migrant-heavy areas, they are immediately surrounded and intimidated by gangs of migrants. It’s not uncommon for fire trucks and ambulances to be attacked in these “sensitive” areas. French Official Says Quarantine Should Not be Enforced in Migrant Areas to Avoid Riots.

Le confinement dans les banlieues : selon Nunez ce ne serait «pas une priorité»,Discrimination territoriale. Le confinement allégé dans les banlieues pour ne pas « mettre le feu ».  Se også Germany: Many “asylum seekers” ignore coronavirus ban on contact and react aggressively when challenged

Amy Mek@AmyMek

Threat Alert in Paris, France…

Migrants attack police and refuse to comply with Chinese Coronavirus Quarantine – just like in Germany!

It is delusional to think that these individual will EVER comply with ANY rules -Globalists already new this.

READ: https://rairfoundation.com/zemmour-on-covid-19-immigrant-neighborhoods-started-to-revolt-there-is-already-looting-in-the-supermarkets-watch/