
Af Hanne Tolg (løseligt oversat af Kim Møller)

Da en gruppe asylansøgere begyndte at chikanere en ung kvindelig medpassagerer i et tog i München fik to ældre tyske mænd nok. De forsvarede kvinden. Det hele startede med at en af asylansøgerne lagde hånden på en yngre kvinde. Hun gjorde det klart, at det ville hun ikke have, og hans reaktion var at slå med knyttet næve ind i en rude. Flere passagerer reagerede på opførslen, og en ældre mand blev derefter ydmyget med klappen på hovedet af en anden asylansøger.

Hændelsen fandt sted midt på dagen, midt i byen og en de andre passagerer filmede det med mobiltelefon. Hans udlægning af optrinnet kan læses hos Daily Mail.

“‘A young woman was attacked on the subway. When two old men tried to intervene, they too were attacked. This was in the heart of Munich, in the middle of the day. I got on the train at Sendlinger Tor travelling to the main railway station. I sat in a four-seater, across from a young lady.

‘In the four-way behind her sat two asylum seekers. One of them, a young man, probably of Arab origin, bothered the woman.

‘He said something to her and asked: ‘Why will you not answer me on German?’

‘She responded: ‘Because you asked me in English’. I think he had his hand on her back. She turned away and looked in my direction.

‘As the train continued, the asylum seeker struck the glass window full force. I guess he was angry the woman rejected him. Several gentlemen shouted at him to stop.

‘One of these men, in the four seats beside me, was then touched on the head by one of the asylum seekers wearing a brown jacket. He stroked his bald head, to mock him. It was such disrespectful behaviour, the likes of which I have rarely seen before.

‘The gentleman stood up right away. The asylum seeker then turned, approached the man and grabbed him by the neck. Everyone immediately became involved, with many trying to get in between the pair.

The man’s attacker fell back in his four-seater. There were four asylum seekers now involved, staring at us and two other older gentlemen angrily.

‘There were about 10-15 people beside and behind me. The situation was brought under control. When the train reached the station I called the police. They said there was nothing they could do.'”

Situationen kom under kontrol, da der var flere tyskere end asylansøgere. Vi ved godt hvad det havde sket, hvis det havde været omvendt. De havde ikke nøjes med at stirre rasende på modparten. Det er ikke risikofrit at bede plageånder med taharrush gamea-tendenser at forsvinde. De tænker nok mere over det, når kniven kommer frem.

Foto: Mobil, T-bane, München.

Foto: Mobil, T-bane, München.