Ashwaq Ta’lo. Stillbilde: YouTube.
En ung yezidi-kvinde, som 15 år gammel blev solgt som slave, efter at den islamske stat (IS) angreb nordlige dele af Irak for fire år siden, er flygtet fra Tyskland, hvor hun kom til som flygtning, efter at hun havde mødt sin egen overgrebsmand, en IS-aktivist, på gaden i Stuttgart.
Det er det Erbil-baserede kurdiske nyhedsbureau Bas News som bringer historien om Ashwaq Ta’lo, som også er omtalt i The Times.
The Yezidi girl was abducted by the IS militants when she was only 15. After over ten months, Ashwaq managed to escape the insurgents and the faith they forcefully wanted to impose on her. After her escape, she reunited with some of her family members in Kurdistan Region. Later, as part of a humanitarian program, she, alongside her mother and brother, migrated to Germany and settled in a refugee camp in Stuttgart.
Up to this point, is a story similar to many others. But what makes Ashwaq’s story unique is that after three years living in Stuttgart, she meets Abu Humam, the IS militant who had bought Ashwaq in Iraq’s Mosul for $100, and subjected her to constant inhuman abuses. Abu Humam, at the time of meeting Ashwaq in Germany, appears to have no fear and no regrets. He starts again harassing Ashwaq, which forces the Yezidi victim to escape Germany and return to Kurdistan.
Gensynet med manden, som havde holdt hende som slave, var særdeles ubehageligt:
The Yezidi girl continued her normal life until early 2018 when she was stopped by a man on her way back home. “Someone stopped me, on 21st February this year. I froze when I looked at his face carefully. It was Abu Humam, with the same scaring beard and ugly face. I was speechless when he started speaking in German, asking ‘You’re Ashwaq, aren’t you?”
Ashwaq replayed “No”.
“Yes, you are Ashwaq and you know me very well. I am Abu Humam and you were with me for a while in Mosul. And I know where you live, with whom you live, and what you are doing,” Ashwaq narrated Abu Humam in Germany.
Ashwaq løb sin vej og informerede siden politiet om det indtrufne. Manden blev identificeret ved hjælp af optagelser fra et overvågningskamera i nærheden, uden at dette fik nogen konsekvenser for ham:
“The police told me that he is also a refugee, just like me, and that they could not do anything about it. They just gave me a phone number that I could contact in case Abu Humam ever stopped me. After this response, I decided to return to Kurdistan and never go back to Germany,” Ashwaq said.
Man er altså endt op med den paradoksale situation, at en islamist og overgrebsmand, som har givet en ung pige reel grund til at flygte fra Kurdistan, får lov til at blive som flygtning i Tyskland, mens hans offer flygter hjem til Kurdistan efter at være blevet forfulgt på ny af samme person. Virkningen af den tyske asylpolitik i dette tilfælde er med andre ord at offeret straffes, mens den skyldige præmieres.