Richard Spencer er nægtet indrejse i Polen og dermed i resten av Schengen-området.
Richard Spencer, a major player in white nationalism, has been banned from entering 26 nations in Europe.
Poland’s state-run news agency on Wednesday said that authorities there had blocked Spencer from Europe’s visa-free Schengen area for five years.
PAP cited unnamed sources close to Poland’s Foreign Ministry for the news about Spencer, and a source close to the agency confirmed to The Associated Press that the ban had taken effect.
Spencer er hvid nationalist og har stået fadder til begrebet «alt right». Han fik meget omtale demonstrationen og sammenstødene i Charlottesville.
EU betragter Polen som højreorienteret, men nu afviser de polske myndigheder alligevel en hvid nationalist.
Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski last month called Spencer someone “who defames what happened during World War II, defames the Holocaust.”
“He should not appear publicly, and especially not in Poland,” Waszczykowski added of the 39-year-old American.