Den britiske avis The Times skriver, at Tyskland og Frankrig vil have grænsekontrollerne tilbage inden for EU som følge af terrorfaren og migrationen. Avisen har fået adgang til konfidentielle papirer, hvor der står, at man vil suspendere Schengen-aftalen i op til fire år.
A confidential diplomatic paper seen by The Times reveals that the EU’s two biggest countries are pushing for the Schengen zone to be suspended in “exceptional circumstances”, making all travellers subject to border checks as they enter a country.
Dette står i stærk kontrast til det offentlige EU, som kræver, at de eksisterende grænsekontroller må ophøre i november.
The European Commission is pushing for an end, within weeks, to emergency frontier controls introduced after terrorist attacks and during the EU’s migration crisis.
Jean-Claude Juncker har på det seneste benyttet anledningen til at presse et endnu mere politisk unisont EU igennem. Han vil fjerne den ene præsident-stilling (sandsynligvis ikke hans egen), have fælles forsvar og tvinge samtlige EU-lande til at indføre euro. Han vil også have, at Bulgarien og Rumænien skal være med i Schengen-samarbejdet.
The demand will be a blow to Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the commission, who said on Wednesday that the passport-free travel zone, alongside the euro, was a foundation for a future federal Europe. He was accused of drawing up a blueprint for a “United States of Europe” with more centralised powers, as he called for Bulgaria and Romania to join Schengen.
De konfidentielle papirer giver Schengen dødsstødet:
“There is a need to allow a member state to reintroduce controls at its internal borders for a period exceeding six months,” the paper says. “The grounds for such controls for periods exceeding six months would continue to involve the particular seriousness of the threat to internal security and the long-term nature of that threat.”
“the total period during which border control is reintroduced shall not exceed two years” but “where there are exceptional circumstances that total period may be extended to a maximum length of a further period of two years”.
Terrorfaren fra jihadistene er ikke noget midlertidigt fænomen. Men EU-pamperen Juncker synes ikke, det er så farligt. I en TV-debat i torsdags insisterede han på, at den pasfrie zone ikke var en «invitation til terrorister», selv om han måtte indrømme, at terrorceller havde udnyttet systemet. Men hvad gør det, hvis man kan få turister?
“It’s true that occasionally terrorists do benefit from it but the prime beneficiaries are European citizens,” he said. “We’re being told you’re opening the borders to terrorists. No, we are opening the borders for tourists.”
Jeg synes ikke at erindre at have stemt på Jan-Klåt, er det ikke meningen at EU skal vise vejen for hvor smukt demokratiet er. Eller har jeg igen misforstået noget.