
FBI har sendt ud efterlysning på en 28 år gammel afghaner, Ahmad Khan Rahami, der mistænkes for at stå bag både Chelsea-bomberne og rørbomberne i New Jersey.

De tror han kan være farlig.


Guvernør Cuomo måtte mandag morgen ændre opfatning. Det kunne ligevel være international terror.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who said on Sunday that the attack did not appear to have a link to international terrorism, said new evidence might change that thinking.

“I would not be surprised if we did have a foreign connection to the act,” he said on CNN on Monday morning.


A law enforcement official, who agreed to speak about the investigation only on the condition of anonymity, said they had evidence that Mr. Rahami was connected not just to the Manhattan explosion in the Chelsea neighborhood, but also to a bombing that took place earlier on Saturday on the Jersey Shore.
