Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center efter angreb med brandbombe, 11. juni 2022)
I sidste uge blev en konservativ højesteretsdommer udsat for et mordforsøg, og selvom danske medier aldrig tematiserer venstrevold, så er det ingen sjældenhed. En historie fra Breitbart – Report: 23 Pro-Life Organizations Vandalized, Firebombed by Pro-Abortion Activists in Recent Weeks.
“At least 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized in recent weeks. The pro-life organizations have been either firebombed or vandalized by radical pro-abortion activists, according to Catholic Vote…
The attacks follow a leaked Supreme Court decision that revealed Roe v. Wade may be overturned this month. If overturned, abortion would no longer be protected by the federal government but would still be legal in many states. …
Many of the attacks have been brutal and vulgar in nature. ‘If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,’ vandals wrote on a Wisconsin Family Action facility.
In Oregon, Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center was reportedly firebombed on Saturday. Images show a burned-out shell inside the center’s facility, according to Life News.
The attack followed firebombings of pro-life groups and pregnancy centers in Wisconsin, Oregon, and New York.
The rise of far-left extremism comes after Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) used violent rhetoric against those who hold dissenting political views. Lightfoot called the ‘LGBTQ+ community… to arms.’”