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Washington Post har fået hænderne i en undersøgelse om ‘hate speech’ på Facebook. Det skulle have givet en narrativ-opbyggende historie om racistiske Trumpstøttere, men der var absolut intet at komme efter. Omkring 90 procent af hadet som algoritmen fangede var ‘directed at White people and men’. Overskriften blev så istedet ‘Facebook’s race-blind practices around hate speech came at the expense of Black users, new documents show’, med citater fra en aktivist, der påpeger at Facebooks ‘actions are on the side of racists’. Om ikke andet, så skal WaPo have ros for kreativiteten. En historie fra Red Voice Media – Washington Post Report Finds Majority of ‘Hate Speech’ on Facebook is Anti-White and Anti-Male.

“According to a Washington Post article from November 21st, Facebook’s algorithms managed to catch that anti-white and anti-male hate speech is more prevalent on the platform than any other sort.

‘Yet racist posts against minorities weren’t what Facebook’s own hate speech detection algorithms were most commonly finding. The software, which the company introduced in 2015, was supposed to detect and automatically delete hate speech before users saw it. Publicly, the company said in 2019 that its algorithms proactively caught more than 80 percent of hate speech.

But this statistic hid a serious problem that was obvious to researchers: The algorithm was aggressively detecting comments denigrating White people more than attacks on every other group, according to several of the documents.

One April 2020 document said roughly 90 percent of ‘hate speech’ subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men, though the time frame is unclear. And it consistently failed to remove the most derogatory, racist content.’

Think about that for a moment – these Washington Post writers find it a ’serious problem’ that Facebook was finding that comments or posts that expressed ‘contempt, inferiority, and disgust directed at White people and men’ consisted of ‘roughly 90 percent’ of detected ‘hate speech’ and were having action taken against the posts or comments.”

“‘Even though [Facebook executives] don’t have any animus toward people of color, their actions are on the side of racists,’ said Tatenda Musapatike, a former Facebook manager working on political ads and CEO of the Voter Formation Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses digital communication to increase participation in local state and national elections.” (Washington Post, 21. februar 2021)