(The Blue’s Clues Pride Parade, 2021; Se evt. Nickelodeon, The Meaning of Pride…, 2021)
Her i weekenden så jeg flere EM-kampe, og bemærkede, at virksomheder såsom Volkswagen, Heineken og Booking.com havde flettet regnbuer ind i sine reklamer. Der var til gengæld ingen diskret LGBT-leflen i de kinesiske reklamer, reklamerne for russiske Gazprom samt Qatar Airways. Regnbue-nihilismen er et vestligt fænomen.
The American Conservative har set nærmere på Ursula von der Leyens kritik af Ungarns LGBT-lovgivning, og det er interessant læsning – EU Big Lies About Hungary LGBT Law.
“She characterizes the law as being contrary to a European Union ‘where you are free to be who you want to be’ and ‘where you are free to love who you want.’ But the Hungarian law does not ban homosexuality or transgenderism! It only restricts the advocacy of homosexuality and transgenderism to children and minors. You can certainly oppose that if you wish, but that is a very different thing than opposing outlawing homosexuality or transgenderism. Ursula von der Leyen is equating protecting children from having drag queen story hour to tolerating in law adult homosexual love…
Most of the law deals with pedophilia and child pornography. I’ve run the relevant excerpts — that is, the parts that are controversial — through Google Translate.
… So no advertising aimed at children that promotes transgenderism and homosexuality. It is unclear if this affects all advertising that might be seen by children (which is to say, all advertising), or just ads aimed at kids.
… Translation: no material aimed at kids promoting gender ideology and homosexuality. I don’t know what ‘promotes and displays’ means — that is, the limits of the law. Perhaps it is clearer in the Hungarian. My guess is that this refers specifically to material produced for an audience of children and minor teenagers.
… This bit is really messy. As far as I can tell — again, this is a machine translation of a document written in legal language — this part of the new law requires that pro-LGBT sex education is banned, and that those who undertake sex education must be officially approved by the state.”