
Amy Horowitz spørger sorte på gaden i Minneapolis hvad de føler om “justice”. Svarene er skræmmende. De mener det begåes et folkemord på sorte. Hvad med en ny borgerkrig, spørger Horowtiz. -Hvis det er det der skal til for at skabe balance, så hvorfor ikke, svarer de.

Der er lidt Manson’sk ‘Helter Skelter’ over Black Lives Matter. Det ville dog blive en kort affære, hvis det her hvide flertal af ‘White supremacists’ pludselig begyndte at opføre sig som aktører i en racekrig. Fra The Red Elephants – BLM Activists Suggest We Should ‘Start Killing’ All White People.

“A shocking interview from the George Floyd memorial in Minneapolis reveals how many Black Americans think about White people in the US.

During the collection of interviews, journalist and filmmaker Ami Horowitz asked several people who were attending the memorial about their thoughts on burning the city down and using violence against white people. …

Horowitz asked a pair of women at the protest how many unarmed black men she thinks are killed by police yearly, to which she replied ‘thousands’ and ‘hundreds’ just in Minneapolis.

The real number is around 10 total. According to data from the Washington Post, in 2019 approximately 12 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police, most of them were either attacking the police or someone else during the incidents upon review of each occurrence. In the same year 26 unarmed White Americans were shot and killed by police.

… After one woman claims that ‘most of the country’ are ‘White supremacists’, and that we should start carrying out mob justice on the ‘White supremacists’ that make up most of the country, Horowitz asked two other women about this mob justice idea.

I don’t want to say we need to start killing all White Folks, but it’s like… Maybe they need to feel the pain and the hurt.’”