18-årige ‘Ali H’, alias 25-årige Zaheer Hassan Mahmood, pakistansk migrant
“Vi har simpelthen gjort døden til et bedre alternativ end livet for de her mennesker.”, skriver sygeplejerske Mie Terkelsen i Politiken, efter et ophold i Moria. Det er usikkert for kvinder og børn at leve i lejren, og argumenterer med at ‘børns sikkerhed’ er truet, når de stå i kø til vand og mad. Ja, faktisk er det så slemt i lejren, at kvinder får prævention, “… så de i det mindste ikke blev gravide, når – og ikke hvis – de blev voldtaget.”
Folk har forskellige tærskler, men personligt har jeg ikke videre lyst til at lade mine børn bo blandt mennesker, der skaber samfund hvorfra folk flygter, og selv med vestlig hjælp, skaber en virkelighed hvor kvinder og børn er jaget vildt. Herunder detaljer om ‘Ali H’, en 18-årig pakistansk migrant, der kom til Frankrig i 2018, og i fredags angreb tilfældige på gaden i Paris med en kødøkse. Her fem dage efter har intet dansk medier nævnt hans rigtige navn, og da jeg tjekkede på Infomedia var første hit en lokalavis’ artikel fra 2014: ‘Huer i alle farver på CPH West’.
Detaljer fra fransk TV6, for de – France: Who Is Ali, The Young Man Who Attacked With An Ax At The Former Headquarters Of Charlie Hebdo Magazine?
“Three days after the new attack on the former Charlie Hebdo newsroom in Paris, the investigators wonder about Ali’s true identity. He is the attacker who claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack last Friday, because the satirical magazine republished the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad when the trial against those suspected of collaborating in the massacre of journalists began in January 2015.
Who introduced himself as Ali H to those who arrested him an hour after the attack on the steps of the Opera Bastille, actually called Zaheer Hassan Mahmood and he’s 25 years old and not 18, as the French authorities believed. He mentioned his real name in a video, which the anti-terrorist squad investigators discovered when they checked his phone and computer during the search of his ‘occupied’ house in Pantin, in the suburb of Seine St Denis, very close to Paris.
In the video found, he does not claim to belong to the self-proclaimed Islamic State or Al Qaeda, who have issued a fatwa against Charlie Hebdo and his journalists. He only mentioned his opposition to the cartoons of the Prophet. In his attack left two journalists injured: the woman is in very serious condition, after being operated.
‘Today September 25, I am going to condemn them,’ Zaheer Hassan Megmood said in the video. There he vindicated Imam Ilyas Qadre, the head of the Pakistani Dawat and Islami party, an apolitical and non-violent religious movement of Sufist origin, based in Pakistan.
The attacker believed that he was in the real Charlie Hebdo newsroom…
An identity document was found on the phone, showing his name and his real age. Hassan Mahmodd had arrived in France as an ‘isolated’ minor without a family in 2018. He informed the authorities that he was 16 years old and the French state was forced to protect him, as indicated by international treaties.
The authorities became suspicious and ordered the osteological tests. But Ali managed to win the medical battle and was protected until he was officially 18 years old…
“I dag er der ni tilbageholdte til terrorangrebet fredag i Paris. Blandt de arresterede er hans 16-årige bror og dem, der boede sammen med ham i Pantins besatte hus, alle pakistanere. …”
This young man born in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, was furious at the republication of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in Charlie Hebdo, when the trial of those responsible for the massacre began in the Palace of Justice.
… The terrorist had grown up in that environment of the poor of Pakistan, with the preaching of the madrassas or radical Koranic schools, which instruct them militarily for ‘jihad’ or holy war, and the sermons of the Islamist imams of the Red Mosque of Islamabad.”
“I et intervju på nettsidene til Naya Pakistan sier Ali Hassans far, en bonde som bor i den lille byen Mandi Bahauddin, at sønnen hans ‘gjorde en bra jobb’ og at han var ’svært glad’ for angrepet. Faren oppfordrer regjeringen i Pakistan og andre muslimske land til å hente tilbake sønnen: ‘Han har tjent islam, og vi er et muslimsk land’, sier faren.” (CNews via Document, 29. september 2020)