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Jussie Smollett problematiserer kritikken, ABC News, 14. februar 2019

Jussie Smollett-sagen kaster fortsat perler af sig. Man kan argumentere for at MSM ikke skulle have bragt noget om overfaldet før detaljer blev verificeret fra officielt hold, men det er ikke det filmanmelder Jacob Ludvigsen gør herunder. Han problematiserer, at medierne problematiserer Smolletts udlægning – efter at de har bragt historien om overfaldet. Flere større medier har bragt hudflettende gennemgange af forløbet på basis af forskellige kilder, og den i Danmark ukendte skuespiller har et forklaringsproblem af de helt store.

Nyd blot følgende tekst af Jacob Ludvigsen på Soundvenue.com – Dybt uansvarligt, at medierne videregiver tvivl om Jussie Smollett-angreb.

“I sit første tv-interview efter hændelsen, hos Good Morning America, adresserede Jussie Smollett selv skeptikerne. …

‘Hvis jeg havde sagt, at det var en muslim eller mexicaner, eller en sort, så føler jeg, at tvivlerne ville have støttet mig meget mere […] Og det siger meget om det sted, vi er i i vores land lige nu’, sagde han i programmet, mens præsidenten for LGTBQ-organisationen GLAAD Sarah Kate Kellis udtrykker det sådan her.

‘Jussie blev forfulgt i et hadmotiveret og voldeligt angreb i Chicago og er siden blevet dobbelt-forfulgt som genstand for spekulation i medieindustrien og den bredere kultur’. Hun tilføjer, at farvede LGBTQ-mennesker ofte »er de sidste, der bliver troet på«. …

Det er netop det, der gør mediernes ukritiske videregivelse af rygterne dybt uansvarlig. … Uanset om det så bliver afsløret om to uger, at angrebet faktisk var fingeret, har medierne ingen undskyldning. I en tid, hvor fake news florerer med samme hastighed som en steppebrand, og mange læsere kun får læst afsløringen og ikke det efterfølgende dementi, skal medierne være ekstra omhyggelige med, hvad de bringer.

Og i en sag med så store konsekvenser for, hvordan mange ser på hate crimes, racisme og homofobi, må man sige, at et par unavngivne politikilder er et for spinkelt grundlag for ethvert medie med respekt for sig selv.

Fint nok med rettelser. Men skaden er sket.”

Smolletts nigerianske venner med hoods.

Fra Daily Mail – Read in full the damning police documents revealing the incredible case against Jussie Smollett.

“On the morning of January 28, 2019, the date of the planned incident, the brothers purchased the clothing items at a local beauty supply store and the rope at a nearby hardware store, using the $100 bill that Smollett had given them. These purchases were corroborated by surveillance video and a receipt. Abel also deposited Smollett’s check that same day in his own bank account. Later that evening, the plan had changed and the time of the attack had to be pushed back because Smollett’s flight into O’Hare Airport from New York had been delayed by four hours. Smollett’s plane eventually landed at O’Hare at 12:30 AM on January 29, 2019. At 12:49 AM, there was a phone call between Smollett and Abel which lasted three minutes. During this call, Smollett told Abel the attack would take place at exactly 2:00 AM at the preset location.”

“It was at this time, that the brothers staged the attack of Defendant Smollett just how Smollett had instructed them. While the staged attack was occurring, a witness, who is an employee of NBC News Chicago, had just parked and exited her vehicle just around the corner from the location of the staged attack. This witness indicated that she heard nothing at the time the staged attack was occurring, despite the fact that Defendant Smollett told CPD detectives that his attackers were ‘yelling’ racial and homophobic slurs at him, and he in turn was ‘yelling’ back at them. The staged attack lasted 45 seconds, and it was just outside the view of the desired nearby camera that Smollett had pointed out to the brothers approximately 15 hours earlier.”

“Smollett also told police that the incident happened near a camera, which he stated should have captured the attack. This is the same camera that Defendant Smollett pointed out to the Osundairo brothers in preparation of this staged attack. Smollett also told police that the initial and primary attacker (now known to be Abel Osundairo) was wearing a ski mask which covered his entire face, with the exception of his eyes and the area all around his eyes. Smollett stated to the police that he could see that the area around this person’s eyes was white-skinned.”