
On December 2, 2018, Palestinian-American political activist Linda Sarsour spoke at the 2018 Salam Annual Banquet, held at the Salam Community Center in Sacramento.

Linda Sarsour holdt en tale i Sacramento 13. december, hvor hun slog fast, at Muhammed var en menneskeretsaktivist, længe før nogen i Vesten havde tænkt tanken. – Vesten har ingenting at lære muslimer, sagde Sarsour.

Det gælder også spørgsmålet om kvindens stilling.

Sarsour sagde, at USA i dag er styret af fascister. USA er fascistisk.

Linda Sarsour: “This administration also went against the international community and thought it was a good idea to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. This President stood up and declared, and thought it was just about words, [and] that he has so much power that he can stand up and declare that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Since he thinks it’s as easy as words, I will declare to all of you here in Sacramento that Jerusalem is and always will be the capital of Palestine.

Ordbruget er ekstrem, alligevel står Sarsour på god fod med Demokraterne, specielt med de to muslimske kvinder, som er blevet valgt ind i Repræsentanternes Hus.

Sarsour har taget venstrefløjens vane, med at kalde alt de ikke kan lide for fascisme, op.


“We Are Talking About A Time In The United States Of America When We Are Living Under Fascism; These Are Fascists”

“This administration is not like any other administration. We are talking about a time in the United States of America when we are living under fascism. These are fascists.

Sarsour opdagede, da hun blev ældre, at hun var blevet snydt for en islamistisk skolegang, fordi hun måtte gå i offentlig skole. Havde hun fået det, ville hun have lært at Muhammed var en menneskeretsaktivist.

“Nobody Told Me That My Beloved Prophet Muhammad Was An Activist – He Was A Human Rights Activist”

“I tell people all the time that I went to public school. My parents couldn’t afford to send seven children to Islamic school. But on the weekends, we went on Saturdays and Sundays to Islamic school. As I grew older, I realized that I got cheated out of my Islamic education.


“You know what I feel like I got cheated out of? Nobody told me that my beloved Prophet Muhammad was an activist. He was a human rights activist.”

Sarsour er som en karikatur på en salafist. Islam har alle svar. Det er bare at nedlægge alt andet.

“Our Religion Has Always Been An Anti-Racist, Feminist, And Empowering Religion; I Don’t Need People In The West, Or People In Europe, Or People In The United States Of America To Teach Me What Feminism Is”

“We don’t need a workers’ rights movement or an environmental justice movement. We don’t even need a Black Lives Matter movement, because our religion has taught us that black lives mattered way before there was ever a hashtag, or a movement, or people protesting outside on these streets. Our religion has always been an anti-racist, feminist, and empowering religion.

“I don’t need people in the West, or people in Europe, or people in the United States of America to teach me what feminism is.”

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