
Mens Theresa May var indenrigsminister fik en tysk salafist, som holdes ansvarlig for at have rekrutteret 140 krigere til IS, lov til at slå sig ned i Leicester hvor han har drevet forkyndelse og hvervning.

Eller som the Times kalder ham: hadprædikant. May forfølger dem, der bekæmper islam, mens hun lader de virkelige hadprædikanter få lov til at udfolde sig.  Det vil få store konsekvenser for Storbritannien.

A German hate preacher has been allowed to live in Britain despite leading a banned Islamist group accused of inspiring 140 jihadists to join Isis and al-Qaeda.

Brahim Belkaid was able to settle in Leicester almost five years ago after returning to Europe from Syria, where he is suspected of supporting terrorists.

Belkaid, 41, has been free to proselytise on UK streets and was photographed handing out hardline versions of the Koran to fans celebrating Leicester City’s Premier League victory in 2016. He has used social media to call for the destruction of America and to promote other extremists.

Mays opførsel – nu som statsminister – tiltrækker sig endnu mere opmærksomhed. Det var trods alt hende, som afslog at give asyl til Asia Bibi, den kristne fembarnsmor fra Pakistan som salafisterne er fast besluttet på at tage livet af.

It is in sharp contrast with her reported refusal to grant asylum to Asia Bibi, a persecuted Christian mother from Pakistan.

Afsløringen af at Belkaid har bosat sig i Leicester er et resultat af et gravearbejde som The Times og Der Spiegel har gjort i samarbejde.

The firebrand cleric first came to prominence as a leader of Die Wahre Religion (DWR) — “the true religion” — an organisation that sought to win over Muslim converts by distributing free copies of the Koran in Germany and other European countries. The texts it gave away, however, followed the hardline Salafist version of Islam.

I 2012 var Belkaid en af lederne bag en demo i Bonn til forsvar for Muhammed, som udviklede sig voldeligt. To politifolk blev stukket ned.

Belkaid har et alias: Abu Abdullah.

I 2013 drog Belkaid til Syrien, hvor han arbejdede for Nusra-fronten. Han opfordrede alle til at udføre jihad, fordi det er den sande vej og måde.

Men Syrien-trafikken og hvervningen gjorde at han kom i søgelyset hos tysk politi og samme år flytter han til Leicester, tilsyneladende uden problemer. Her åbner han et bilfirma med sig selv som direktør.

Records at Companies House show that a car parts firm, Auto Noble Ltd, was formed in January 2014 with Belkaid as its sole director. It was registered to an address in the affluent Stoneygate area of Leicester. Three other German Muslims were listed at the property at the time.

Men Belkaids vigtigste virksomhed var at drive “dawa”, islamisk forkyndelse i byer som Coventry og London.

I 2016 blev det ubehageligt for ham. Tyske myndigheder forbød Den sande Religion og der blev gennemført 200 politiraids mod organisationen over hele Tyskland.

Six months after he was pictured handing out copies of the Koran to jubilant Leicester City supporters, DWR was banned by the German government. The move, in November 2016, was accompanied by almost 200 police raids across Germany to seize the group’s assets. It was one of the biggest clampdowns yet on an Islamist organisation in Europe.

Det var nu det kom frem, at Belkaid havde bidraget til at rekruttere 140 IS-krigere, som drog på jihad til Syrien.

Thomas de Maiziere, then Germany’s interior minister, said: “The organisation brings Islamic jihadists together under the pretext of the harmless distribution of the Koran.

“The translations of the Koran are being distributed along with messages of hatred and unconstitutional ideologies. Teenagers are being radicalised with conspiracy theories.”

Man skulle tro at dette ville vække briternes interesse. Men nej, Den sande Religion er fortsat operativ og tilladt i Storbritannien.

Forbuddet er en tekst på 50 sider som Der Spiegel har læst. Her fremgår det, at Belkaid er fjende af tysk demokrati og tysk lov. En ægte hadprædikant.

The 50-page German banning order, seen by this newspaper, cites Belkaid as a leader and gives his Leicester address. It quotes his sermons as evidence of the group’s rejection of democracy and the law. DWR is not proscribed in the UK.

Tyske myndigheder er begyndt at se på Belkaids virksomhed i Syrien. Den godgørende virksomhed var bare et skalkeskjul for at rekruttere krigere og hjælpe Nusra på andre måder.

Det er ikke lagt nogen restriktioner på Belkaids virksomhed på nettet. Han er fortsat aktiv på youtube og facebook. Mens demokratiske stemmer kastes ud af youtube og facebook, bliver de virkelige spredere af had mod Vesten ladt i fred.

No arrests are thought to have been made but the probe remains open and Belkaid continues to use YouTube and Facebook to spread his militant views.

His post about jihad being the “only solution” was accompanied by a caption indicating that those “who do not fight or intend to fight” will die as “hypocrites” in the eyes of Allah.

He has also promoted al-Qaeda ideologues, including Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as the “Blind Sheikh”, and Anwar al-Awlaki, who inspired a London university graduate to attempt to blow up a passenger jet over Detroit in 2009 with a bomb hidden in his underwear.

Belkaid har også været i Vestafrika for at drive forkyndelse og omvendelse der.

Belkaid’s other posts reveal he has been travelling in and out of Britain to take part in missionary work in west Africa, often helping to convert young children to Islam.




Revealed: May let hate preacher make his home in Britain
A German cleric who helped inspire 140 jihadists to join insurgents in Syria moved to Leicester during the PM’s time as home secretary