
James Comey har problemer med at få sin fremstilling til at hænge sammen. Han sablede Trump ned under promo-turen for sin bog i foråret.


Inspector General Michael Horowitz bekræftede mandag, at tidligere FBI-chef James Comey er sat under efterforskning for sin omgang med hemmelighedsstemplede dokumenter.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed publicly Monday that his office is investigating James Comey for his handling of classified information as part of memos he shared documenting discussions with President Trump. (…)

“We received a referral on that from the FBI,” Horowitz said, in response to questioning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, about the Comey memos. “We are handling that referral and we will issue a report when the matter is complete and consistent with the law and rules.”

Comey skrev syv memorander efter sine samtaler med Trump. Han gav dem til sin gode ven, professor Daniel Richman, for at denne skulle lække dem til the New York Times.

Spørgsmålet meldte sig om Comey lækkede fortrolig information. Det blev ikke bedre da Comey afslørede at han havde ansat Richman i en specialstilling i FBI:

Comey, in testimony before Congress last year, acknowledged he shared the memos with the intention of leaking to the press and spurring the appointment of a special counsel.

In April, Fox News initially learned that Horowitz was looking into whether classified information was given to unauthorized sources as part of a broader review of Comey’s communications outside the bureau—including media contact.

Comey, whom Trump fired in May 2017, denied that sharing the memos with his legal team constituted a leak of classified information. Instead, he compared the process to keeping “a diary.”

Men det stemmer dårligt med denne definition, at 15 sider var slettet pga. sikkerhedshensyn da de blev offentlig kendt.



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