
Rizlaine Boular er fængslet for minimum 16 år.


To medlemmer af en kvindelig terrorcelle er fængslet for at have planlagt et terrorangreb udenfor parlamentet i London.

Tre kvinder planlagde at dræbe tilfældige forbipasserende med kniv udenfor parlamentet, Palace of Westminster, – det fjerde medlem af cellen risikerer fængsel for ikke at have varslet myndighederne om det planlagte terrorangreb.

De fire er medlemmer af Storbritanniens første terrorcelle, som udelukkende består af kvinder, skriver Sky News.

Kvinderne planlagde at skabe panik og rædsel ved at dræbe tilfældige mennesker.


Rizlaine Boulars mor Mina Dich fik seks år og ni måneder.

Rizlaine Boular (22) er fængslet i minimum 16 år, og hendes mor Mina Dich fik seks år og ni måneder. Den tredje kvinde som var del af planen, Safaa Boular (18), får strafudmålingen senere.

Safaa Boular

Det fjerde medlem, Khawla Barghouthi, risikerer fængsel for ikke at have varslet myndighederne.

Khawla Barghouthi

Boular planned to stab random members of the public around the Palace of Westminster to cause widespread panic, injury and death, the Old Bailey heard.

She had taken the idea from her younger sister Safaa, who was in custody over an attempt to become a jihadi bride in Syria.

The sisters spoke of an Alice in Wonderland themed tea party in coded phone calls, with the elder sister cast as the Mad Hatter.

Boular indrømmede sin skyld, og hendes mor Dich indrømmede at have hjulpet hende.

Judge Mark Dennis said Dich «failed in her parental role» to step in and stop the attack, and said she played a «significant role» in the radicalisation of both of her daughters.

De to reagerede ikke da dommen blev oplæst.

The court heard that Rizlaine and Safaa discussed the plot with Dich, before Rizlaine and Dich went shopping for knives and a rucksack.

Rizlaine practised the attack in a bugged conversation at friend Barghouthi’s home, as the pair laughed about whether she might «flop so badly» and cut her arm by accident.

When Rizlaine was arrested, she shouted «f*** you» at police.

She was shot in the stomach three times by an officer who thought she had something in her hand.

Rizlaines forsvarer Imran Khan sa i sin prosedyre at Rizlaine Boular ønsket å bli drept av politiet.

«She knew as soon as she produced a knife in the vicinity of the Palace of Westminster police officers would swoop and kill her and that’s what she wanted at that time.»

Mr Khan added that she had been radicalised online after being sacked from a job in marketing because she wore Muslim clothes, and she had suffered an abusive marriage to a local imam.