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Andrew C. McCarthys suveræne artikler i National Review har demonstreret en intellektuell overlegenhet der sætter de liberale og venstrefløjen i skammekroken. De har slet og ret ingenting at stille op med.

For tiden skriver de danske medier ikke så meget om Trump, som de ellers har for vane. Trump-historien i skrivende stund er at en domstol har forbudt ham, at udelukke personer fra hans twitter konto. Så selv om Danmarks Radio har den meget dramatiske overskrift: “Dom: Trumps Twitter-blokering strider mod forfatningen“, så er der ingen straf på tale, blot en henstilling om at Trump fremover ikke udelukker skøre kuler fra hans kommentarspor. Dommen lægger vægt på at ‘offentlighedens tjenere’, hvor præsidenten er den øverste, ikke kan udelukke folk forgodtbefindende fra, hvad der anses for et offentligt forum. Kun Twitter selv har den magt tilsyneladende og det kunne der da godt komme nogle interessante betragtninger ud af, om hvad Twitter er, hvad der er Præsidentens og hvad der er privatpersonen Trump (der bruger sin egen Twitter konto og ikke Det Hvide Hus).

Men mere spændende er det, efter min mening, at følge hvorledes Trumps forfølgere nu selv er blevet de forfulgte.

Det vender nemlig nu i USA, til inspiration for os andre, Trump vinder over sine modstandere. Andrew C McCarthy, som jeg har modstået at citere fra for en gangs skyld, tegner et tydeligt billede af hvorledes sagen mod Hillary Clintons kriminelle omgang med fortrolige papirer hang sammen med beskyldningerne mod Trump for at være i ledtog med russerne. En taktik på to ben udtænkt inderst inde i ’sumpen’, der skulle sikre Demokraterne magten de næste 8+ år – og ingen ville vide noget om den.

Men sådan gik det ikke, de tabte valget og dermed deres greb om den magt de misbrugte for at beholde. De kan ikke slette deres spor og forsøget påp at delegitimere Trump og valget af ham er et forsøg på at overdøve den straf der venter dem og de der vil se retfærdigheden ske fyldest. Og de står på spring, kan man læse i Daily Caller, FBI agenterne, der er forbitrede over, hvorledes en håndfuld karrierefolk politiserede FBI og ruinerede forholdet til offentligheden for det næste tiår

“There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by [James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs,” former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”


The special agent out of WFO alleged that rank and file FBI agents are fed up and desperately want action from the DOJ, according to the transcripts.

“Every special agent I have spoken to in the Washington Field Office wants to see McCabe prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They feel the same way about Comey,“ the special agent said, according to transcripts provided to TheDC. (RELATED: Report: FBI Recommends Firing Andrew McCabe)

“The administrations are so politicized that any time a Special Agent comes forward as a whistleblower, they can expect to be thrown under the bus by leadership. Go against the Muslim Brotherhood, you’re crushed. Go against the Clintons, you’re crushed. The FBI has long been politicized to the detriment of national security and law enforcement.”

Der er med andre ord lagt i kakkelovnen. Historikeren Conrad Black skriver om den kommende tid

As the rot spreads and evidence of the questionable involvement of elements of the Obama administration in the sand-bag job on Trump appears at earlier dates, before the 2016 political conventions, demands from congressional committees for more information from the Justice Department are becoming more extensive and insistent. The more sophistical Trumpophobes are claiming the Congress is over-reaching, beyond its right to know and at risk, as dishonest law-enforcement and intelligence officials always allege, of danger to agents and sources. It’s nonsense of course; no one is asking for the release of such material. The Trumpophobes have retreated so far they have backed up almost onto the president’s toes, and sometime soon, he will, as is his perfect executive right, order the release of all the FBI, Justice, State, and Intelligence dirty linen. Let the inelegantly soiled under-garments fall where they may; none of it is his.

Also to be heard from this spring of surprises, will be the inspector general’s further report on the FBI agent planted in the Trump camp. The New York Times has already spread the Vaseline on that one, that the agent was just looking for Russians. Why was he doing so in the Trump campaign? This turkey won’t fly either. U.S. attorney John Huber’s inquiry into FISA surveillance of Trump campaign part-timer Carter Page and of the Uranium One relationship with the Clintons (in Uranium One, Rosenstein was the U.S attorney and Mueller was the FBI director) has been going for six months. When Horowitz and Huber have finished, on the public evidence to date, it will appear that untruthful applications and certifications were made under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by former attorney general Loretta Lynch and her deputy Sally Yates, and other officials including Rosenstein, to approve illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign. Attorney General Sessions is not recused on Clinton emails or other matters not closely related to Russian election interference, and, having been investigated by McCabe, is probably ready to return from recusal and end Rosenstein’s compulsive waffling.

A snapshot of this welter of dubious antics today reveals these points: The tide is running in the president’s favor; high and trusted positions have been seriously misused in a partisan cause that would not have come to light if the election result had been different and is the greatest scandal in American history; the Trumpophobes can’t go on trying to make grenades out of marshmallows like the amusing divertissement of Stormy Daniels (whose obnoxious lawyer wasn’t her lawyer — just a volunteer militant Democratic publicity hound and undischarged bankrupt); and the public is bored with Mueller, and unless he looks at the Democrats too his investigation will be an unmitigated fiasco. Anyone who sees a blue wave in the mid-terms coming out of this immense shambles is in the desert suffering a mirage with Maxine Waters.

Newt Gingrich ser heller ingen ‘blå bølge’ i horisonten

Sharyl Attkinson arbejder løbende på en tidslinje over sammensværgelsen mod Trump.


Fra monokultur.dk