Amerikanerne glemmer ikke. Fem år efter at ambassadør Chris Stephens blev dræbt i Benghazi, har amerikanerne pågrebet en af hovedmændene og fløjet ham til USA.
Mustafa al Imam blev pågrebet af amerikanske specialstyrker i Libyen, i forståelse med den FN-støttede regering.
Han var den anden nøgleperson bag angrebet, som blev taget.
Two of the officials identified him as Mustafa al Imam and said he had played a role in the attack and the ambassador’s death.
The officials said the man was now in the custody of the Department of Justice and being transported back to the United States by the military.
They added that the operation was authorized by President Donald Trump and had been carried out in coordination with the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord.
In a statement, Trump said al Imam “will face justice in the United States for his alleged role in the September 11, 2012 attacks.”