For at uddybe, hvad den ikke-bindende aftale betyder, skriver Oren Cass i Commentary
In fact, most of the major developing countries, whose emissions will drive climate change this century, pledged only to continue with business as usual.
China committed to begin reducing emissions by 2030, roughly when its economic development would have caused this to happen regardless. India made no emissions commitment, pledging only to make progress on efficiency—at half the rate it had progressed in recent years. Pakistan outdid the rest, submitting a single page that offered to “reduce its emissions after reaching peak levels to the extent possible.” This is a definition of the word “peak,” not a commitment.
Since then, the farce has proceeded as farces do. Secretary Kerry claimed the Accord would unleash clean-energy investment. “It is going to move the marketplace,” he said, calling it “a break-away agreement which actually changes the paradigm” and will “spur massive investment.” Instead, global investment plummeted by 20 percent in 2016 compared to 2015, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The first quarter of 2017 saw another 17 percent decline versus 2016.
The volunteer pledges have commanded precisely the respect they deserve. An April report by Transport Environment found only three European countries pursuing policies in line with their Paris commitments and one of those, Germany, has now seen two straight years of emissions increases. The Philippines has outright renounced its commitment. A study published by the American Geophysical Union warns that India’s planned coal-plant construction is incompatible with its own targets. All this behavior is socially acceptable amongst the climate crowd. Only Trump’s presumption that the agreement means something, and that countries should be forthright about their commitments, is beyond the pale.
Som Daniel Greenfield skriver i Frontpage Magazine: “Trump is doing to the Paris Agreement what he did to TPP. He’s trashing a bad deal that no one really liked and that wouldn’t achieve its supposed goals. He’s being the heavy because no one else has the guts to stand up and say “No”.”
Det eneste fornuft i alternativ energi er, set med mine øjne, at vi på den måde gør os fri af fossile, og dermed muhamedanske energikilder.
En skønne dag, skal vi jo åbenbart igang med en altomfattende religionskrig, hvor al forsyning af fossilt brændstof vil blive lukket ned. Så er det jo glimrende at have noget alternativt.
Jeg skal dog ikke klage, idet jeg i dag ser mine statsstøttede Vestas aktier udviser en exorbitant stigning! og mine støttede solceller producerer strøm efter noder og min støttede varmepumpe laver dejlig varme! 🙂
Kæft, hvor er det åndssvagt!
Vi har jo den norske oljen på vår side. Men når man hører på de idiotene av noen politikere vi har, så kan man jo nesten lure på hvilken side de vil være på.
Det er ikke global oppvarming som truer Europa nå! Det er islam!!!