
Clinton-lejeren føler nederlaget puste dem i nakken. Nu melder også Obama sig på scenen og kritiserer FBI-chefen James Comey. Obama gør det ud fra en moralsk “uangribelig” position: -Vi handler ikke på grundlag af ufuldstændig viden, siger han. Den ophøjede position har Obama for længst mistet i denne sag og nu risikerer han at falde med Hillary.

“We don’t operate on incomplete information,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with NowThis News, broadcast Wednesday. “We don’t operate on leaks. We operate based on concrete decisions that are made.”

“When this was investigated thoroughly the last time, the conclusion of the F.B.I., the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was that she had made some mistakes but that there wasn’t anything there that was prosecutable,” Mr. Obama said.

Declaring that he had “made a very deliberate effort to make sure that I don’t look like I’m meddling in what are supposed to be independent processes for making these assessments,” Mr. Obama nonetheless expressed confidence in Mrs. Clinton and her integrity.

Kritikken vil selvsagt få maksimal opmærksomhed i medierne. Men mon det ikke er for sent? Rækken af afsløringer har fået snebolden til at rulle og farten stiger.

