
Talsmenn for det somaliske miljøet i St. Cloud, Minnesota, har identifisert den Allah-påkallende knivstikkeren på kjøpesenteret Crossroads som Dahir Adan, og uttrykker sjokk og sorg på miljøets og familiens vegne.

“The entire community are shocked by this incident. The family and the community would like to know the whole picture of this incident,” said Abdul Kulane, a leader in the Somali community. “Again, our sympathy goes to the families and victims and the entire community.”

Kulane kunne også fortelle litt om Adan:

“This is what we do know so far: The alleged suspect is Dahir Ahmed Adan. We know him in this community as an exceptional graduate from Apollo High School. He graduated with an honor. He was also a junior student from SCSU, St. Cloud State University,” Kulane said. “While maintaining a high GPA, he worked part-time as a private security officer. He was helpful to his family and as far as we know, he never had a violent history, as far as his family and the community can remember. He was a friendly and active community member.”

Det ble altså tegnet et portrett av et dydsmønster. Slike har jo blitt radikaliserte før. Men Kulane trekker tilsynelatende den hypotesen i tvil:

“As far as the incident goes, we don’t know what happened. All the information circulating in the media are speculations. It could involve a fight that led to this incident. It could be anything,” Kulane said.

Men går dydsmønstre med kniv på seg? Og angriper de åtte personer med den på grunn av en krangel? Det vil formodentlig politiets etterforskning kunne kaste lys over.

St. Cloud Times


2 svar til “Knivmanden i St. Cloud identifisert”

  1. Charles Nielsen siger:

    Jeg kan ikke helt forlige mig med at der står: “Talsmenn for det somaliske miljøet i St. Cloud, Minnesota, har identifisert den Allah-påkallende knivstikkeren på kjøpesenteret Crossroads som Dahir Adan”

    Vi ved at Allah = Satan him self.
    Derfor: Satan-påkallende knivstikkeren.
    Ser man ordet Allah, tænker man uvilkårlig på Satan.

  2. papers__please siger:

    Også en muslim eftersøges nu for terror-bomberne i NYC. Den danske løgnepresse nægter selvfølgelig at det hele skulle have noget med Islam at gøre.

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