
Både mediernes og politikernes håndtering af terrortruslen fortjener større opmærksomhed. Det gælder både når angreb finder sted og ikke mindst når oplysninger siver ud til offentligheden bagefter. Hører man godt efter, vil man finde mange ting, som skurrer i ørerne.
Der går næsten ikke en dag uden et jihad-angreb et eller andet sted. De bliver registreret og glemt.
Søndag angreb tre kvinder hovedpolitstationen i Mombasa, Kenya. De foregav at skulle anmelde et tyveri af en mobiltelefon, men da de var kommet ind, trak de deres knive og og sårede to politifolk. En af kvinderne var udstyret med et selvmordsbælte som imidlertid ikke eksploderede. Tre somaliske flygtninge havde givet dem husly.
Onsdag blev enken til en radikal imam arresteret. Om ham hedder det:
The arrested woman is the widow of Aboud Rogo Mohammed, an imam killed in Mombasa in August 2012 who was until his death the main preacher at the city’s Musa mosque, seen as the heart of radical Islam in Kenya.
Terroren har koncentriske cirkler. Men det vil hverken medier eller politikere tale højt om. Årsagen er nærliggende: Man skal ikke bevæge sig særlig langt omkring, før man støder på personer og organisationer, som myndighederne har gjort til samarbejdspartnere. Derfor går de på listesko.
Obama er selve symbolet på denne politik. Det kan blive en helt anden dans med Donald Trump. Det er en af grundene til den massive kampagne mod ham.
Derfor vil dele af sikkerhedsapparatet sukke lettet over en Trump-sejr, til trods for at man også inden for politiledelsen finder mange politisk korrekte.
Det ligger i politiarbejdets natur, at man må være orienteret mod virkeligheden.
Man må være realitetsorienteret for at bekæmpe terror. Det dukker stadig nye ledetråde op, som viser hvor udstrakt og finmasket terrornetværket i Europa er.
Folkevandring og terror
Det specielle ved sleeper-cellen som blev pågrebet i Tyskland i tirsdags, er de politiske udtalelser fra indenrigsminister Thomas de Maiziere. Nu siger han det, som bl.a Jean-Claude Juncker benægtede efter fredag 13. november i Paris: At der er en sammenhæng mellem strømmen af migranter og risikoen for terror. Dette er selvsagt politisk følsomt. Hvis befolkningen bliver bevidst om faren vil entusiasmen i forhold til flygtninge aftage.
Mr de Maiziere said it appeared that they were infiltrated into Europe with the help of the same network as some of the men involved in last November’s Paris attacks.
“Everything points to the same smuggler organisation that was behind the Paris attacks also arrested men to Germany,” Mr de Maiziere told a press conference.
“The indications are that their travel documents all came from the same workshop in that region.”
De tre syrere som blev pågrebet i en storaktion i Schleswig-Holstein og Niedersachsen med deltagelse af 200 politifolk, kom ind i Tyskland via Balkanruten sidste efterår. Det drejer sig om tre mænd på henholdsvis 17, 18 og 26 år.
The three men have been indentified only as Mahir al-H, 17, Ibrahim M, 18, and Mohamed A, 26.
They entered Germany as asylum-seekers last November via Turkey and Greece, travelling on false passports.
To af selvmordsbomberne på Stade de France var med samme båd til Hellas som de tre pågrebne.
Ærlighed varer længst
Hvordan kommunikerer regeringerne med sine borgere? Hvorfor er de ikke ærlige om, at de har undervurderet faren? Da hundredetusinder strømmede ind i Tyskland hed det sig, at der ikke var nogen sammenhæng mellem antallet af migranter og risikoen for terror. Det blev udtrykt eksplicit – også af norske myndigheder. Nu er konklusionen en anden.
Det rejser spørgsmålet om politikerne bevidst begægtede en risiko de vidste var reel. Og hvilken troværdighed står de tilbage med, når de indrømmer, at de faktisk kendte resultatet på forhånd?
De Maiziere vælger fortsat at spille “dum”, når han sige, at man må finde ud af, om der er tale om et større netværk. Der er et større netværk – og det ved han godt. Når han stiller spørgsmålet, er det alene for at give sig selv rygdækning.
“This suggests Isil was determined to send these kinds of people to blend in with refugees in order to cause uncertainty in Europe and Germany,” Mr de Maiziere said.
“The French connection is what makes this case so special. We have to find out if these are individual links or if there is a larger network. It shows Isil is not targeting only France or Germany or Italy or Belgium or Britain — but the entire West.”
Et sted mellom 6.000 og 9.000 jihadister forlod sidste år Europa for at slutte sig til IS. Det er så stort et antal, at man har mistet overblikket. Også over dem, der er kommet tilbage, som f.eks. lederen af Paris-terroren Abdelhamid Abaaoud og Salah Abdeslam. De var/er EU-borgere, hvilket gør, at de kan bevøge sig ubesværet på tværs af landegrænserne.
Flere navne
Europæisk politi ved i dag meget om terrornetværketrs kobling til IS. CNN kunne forleden bringe afsløringer fra tusindvis af forhørsdokumenter.
CNN has obtained thousands of pages of documents and photos from internal European investigations and gathered information from sources close to the Paris investigation that together provide new details about the highly organized terror group intent on attacking overseas targets.Billedet: Algeriske Adel Haddadi (f.v) og pakistanske Mohammed Usman. Disse to nåede ikke til Paris i tide til at deltage i fredag 13. angrebene.These documents reveal new information about two captured operatives who investigators believe intended to attack France (Haddadi and Usman). They also point, chillingly, to the existence of another suspected terrorist — never before named publicly — who authorities claim is linked to the Paris terror cell and was on the loose in Europe for months after that attack. That man, identified by authorities as Abid Tabaouni, was only arrested in July. (….)
Abid Tabaouni, named publicly for the first time in the exclusive CNN report, was the subject of a Europe-wide arrest warrant that Austrian officials requested in February.He wasn’t brought into custody until July, when Belgian security officials located him in Brussels. European investigators are now examining an apparent visit Tabaouni made to Amsterdam while security agencies were searching for him, sources told CNN.
“The outlook is as bleak as it has ever been,” said Paul Cruickshank, editor of CTC Sentinel, a publication issued by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, and a terrorism analyst for CNN. Characterizing the mood at a recent high-level European conference on counter-terrorism, Cruickshank said, “We’re talking beyond severe concern.”
A senior European counter-terrorism official who spoke to CNN said that according to investigations into the network that carried out the Paris attacks, they were a slimmed-down version of an even more ambitious plan to hit Europe.
The senior European counter-terrorism official told CNN that security services were “uncovering more and more ISIS operatives” on continental European soil. ISIS operatives dispatched back to Europe have taken advantage of encryption, especially the Telegram messenger app, to communicate securely, the official told CNN, frustrating European security services.“Encrypted messaging groups have the potential to revolutionize terror plot planning by allowing entire cells to coordinate in real time without compromising themselves,” said CNN terrorism analyst Paul Cruickshank.
Haddadi and Usman, who was identified by investigators as a suspected bombmaker for the Pakistani terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, set out from the capital of the self-declared ISIS caliphate in Raqqa, Syria, six weeks before the Paris attacks.They were part of a team, investigators concluded. The two others, Ahmad al-Mohammad and Mohamad al-Mahmod, would later blow themselves up outside the national stadium in Paris. The team crossed the border from Syria into Turkey in early October and headed for the Turkish coast.
Abu Ahmad handled their logistics: connecting them with smugglers and cars for transport, providing pre-programmed cell phones and getting them fake Syrian passports.He wired them money as they moved, using intermediaries who couldn’t be traced, and communicated using encrypted apps.
Investigators found that in the days before their arrest, Haddadi and Usman were researching trains to Paris and making a flurry of phone calls overseas, including to contacts in Belgium and France.
The documents also reveal that investigators believe that Haddadi and Usman were waiting for a third man to join them — Abid Tabaouni.
The documents show that Tabaouni had programmed into his phone a number linked to the terror cell of the ringleader of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud. He had also saved a photo of ISIS fighters standing before their black-and-white flag.
Haddadi denied knowing Tabaouni, but investigators found Tabaouni had saved Haddadi’s phone number in his contacts. The phone also contained a photo taken just 30 minutes before security officials stormed the refugee center. It shows Tabaouni sitting on a bed in between where Haddadi and Usman slept.The investigators lay out in the documents their belief that Tabaouni was coming to join Haddadi and Usman and that the three men were working on ISIS operations and planning possible attacks.
Several sources told CNN there are probably more sleeper cells and ISIS operatives coming into Europe using the same crowded, chaotic refugee route exploited by Haddadi, Usman and Tabaouni.“We’ve seen that in the recent weeks, several of them, individuals who carry out individual attacks, inspired attacks, were coming back from Syria using the same route,” Brisard said.“In addition to that, several jihadists have been arrested all around in France … in Belgium and Germany using the same route, for the same purpose,” Brisard said.
One of the people Haddadi reached out to for help was a technician at one of the most important nuclear research centers in Europe. That man was placed under immediate observation by French authorities, the documents show.