Britisk politi arresterede fredag fem mænd i Birmingham og Stoke. Nogle timer senere blev politiets bombeenhed tilkaldt – man havde fundet en bombefabrik.
Two of the men, aged 32 and 37, were arrested in the Stoke area of Staffordshire while another two, aged 18 and 24, were arrested at their home addresses in Birmingham.
Another man, 28, was arrested at a different location in Birmingham.
Staff and guests at the Pentahotel, which is on the edge of a police cordon, were advised to stay inside as a precautionary measure.
Veshh Kumar, a concierge at the hotel, said: ‘We had seen police activity since about 12.00pm then all of a sudden at about 4pm the bomb squad and the army arrived.
One resident, who lives in nearby Bishopgate Street, added: ‘Bath Row is cordoned off at the moment.
‘There are about seven police vans and i would estimate over 35 police officers.
‘The bomb disposal unit is there and I have seen a white bomb disposal robot. There is also an ambulance and two fire engines.
‘I have never seen a police operation like this in my life.
Politiet holder kortene tæt til kroppen, men uofficielt er det sluppet ud, at det drejer sig om en bombefabrik.
But a security source told The Times that the raid was on a bomb-making factory and a significant step forward in a long-running investigation involving M15 and the West Midlands counterterrorism unit.
He told the paper that police and the bomb squad were searching one property that police suspected was being used to make home-made bombs.
Fordi politiet er dygtige og det lykkedes dem at forhindreflere angreb, vil hændelsen snart gå iglemmebogen. Men ser man tilbage over tid er det klart, at der er en krig igang mod det britiske samfund, som staten har store problemer med at gøre noget ved.
In April this year police arrested five people in connection with terror offences in Birmingham and at Gatwick airport which were reportedly linked to attacks on Brussels and Paris.
Politiet er teknisk dygtige, men de har mandskabsproblemer og det er ofte tilfældigheder der spiller ind, når det lykkes dem at afværge flere angreb.
The most recent bomb plot in the UK was led by Mohammed Rehman and Sana Ahmed-Khan, a husband and wife from Reading, who were planning an attack in central London in June last year.
Rehman had pledged allegiance to Islamic State and had manufactured 11kg of urea nitrate using a hotplate in his bedroom. The couple were sentenced to life in prison in December.