Den arresterte drapsmannen som gikk til angrep på tilfeldig forbipasserende i Russel Square i London i går kveld har vist seg å være en norsk statsborger på 19 år med somalisk bakgrunn. Han knivstakk ofrene i stillhet. Det britiske politiet mener at han har psykiske problemer.
The 40-year-old Brazilian witness said he was told the attacker had been making “sweeping, stabbing motions” as he “slashed out” with a blade, but “didn’t say anything”. “They said that when he stabbed the people he didn’t shout or scream anything”, he added.
Police were called to Russell Square at 10.30pm last night and arrested the teenager, a Norwegian of Somali origin, on suspicion of murder after armed officers Tasered him to the ground. He spent the night in hospital and is now at a south London police station.
Britain’s top anti-terror officer Mark Rowley said they have now interviewed the suspect, spoken to his family, searched his London home and liaised with MI5 and MI6 and believe it was a ‘spontaneous’ and ‘random’ attack and not ‘motivated by terrorism’.
The woman was pronounced dead at the scene and two women and three men – who were British, American, Israeli and Australian – were taken to hospital. Three have since been discharged.
Norsk politi melder at han utvandret fra Norge i 2002, altså da han var 5 år gammel. Det er ikke opplyst om han er født i Norge.
Det lyder utroligt at hans angreb ikke er islamisk motiveret. Men det britiske politi har sikkert ikke så godt kendskab til somalisk mentalitet som skandinaverne.