Tre politimænd er skudt og dræbt og syv såret i Baton Rouge, Louisiana, hvor en sort mand, Alton Sterling, blev skudt af politiet d. 5 juli.
To dage senere blev 5 politimænd skudt og dræbt og syv såret i Dallas.
For fire af de sårede er situationen kritisk.
Four more officers were shot and are in critical condition, according to WBRZ.
Sources say two Baton Rouge Police officers and one East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office deputy are dead following the shooting. Another officer was critically injured. Several others suffered unspecified injuries during the shooting.A witness told WBRZ News 2, a man was dressed in black with his face covered shooting indiscriminately when he walked out between a convenience store and car wash across from Hammond Air Plaza. Shots were fired around 9 a.m. Sunday. The exact location of the business where the shooting took place has yet to be released.
A very large manhunt began immediately with officers hurrying to contain the scene.
Først hed det sig at den mistænkte var dræbt, men nu siger man at det fortsat er en “åben situation”.
Manden som skød var maskeret.
Så mange dræbte politifolk så tæt på Dallas betyder en kraftig optrapning af det, som kaldes the war on cops.. Obama har hele tiden forsvaret retten til aktivisme, retten til at klage over politivold. Nogen vil sige at han har legitimeret en type modstand som politiet opfatter som et slag under bæltestedet. The war on cops sker på Obamas vagt og kan blive en alvorlig belastning for hans eftermæle.