Blinde Charles Bloch med førerhunden Carlo og hans blinde kæreste Jessica Graham blev efterladt stående på fortovet i Leicester. Den muslimske taxachauffør nægtede at tage førerhunden og begrundede det med sin religion. Charles Bloch gjorde taxachaufføren oppmærksom på at han brød loven, men det brydde ikke taxachaufføren sig om. Han havde sine egne love at følge, og de var vigtigere og mere hellig end Storbritanniens.
Charles Bloch skriver på Youtube:
On 1st July 2016, myself and my guide dog, called Carlo, were refused to ride in a taxi in the city of Leicester. Guide Dogs by law are allowed anywhere within public places as they are classed as a mobility aid. Carlo plays a fantastic role in my life by making sure I travel safely and can be more independent even with the high level of sight loss that I have. All assistance dogs, including Guide Dogs are highly trained and clean animals. They are under complete control by their owners and they are not classed as a threat to anyone! This video was recorded by my girlfriend once the driver firstly said, “Oh you have a dog!” Please share this video as I want to better people’s understanding about Guide Dogs and the laws that are there to protect them!
-Blind Og med førerhund? Det kan du se langt bagefter. Du er jo i Storbritannien.