
Nedklassificering af flere af Hillary Clintons emails viser, at hun gav ordre til at bruge en ikke-sikker telefonlinje, til trods for at hendes stabschef forsøgte at holde sig til den krypterede.
Der er gruppen Judicial Watch, der fremtvinger frigivelse af tilbageholdte e-mails hos Justice Dept. De har benyttet sig af den amerikanske Freedom of Information Act, og Obama-administrationen har måttet give efter. En dommer pålagde Justitsministeriet den 15. maj sidste år at efterkomme denne anmodning om indsyn fra Judicial Watch.
Deres arbejde kan sænke Clintons kandidatur.
A new set of State Department documents released Thursday by the watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the choice not to use a secure phone line amid a technical problem and acknowledged the risk of using a private Blackberry phone.
The documents contain a Feb. 22, 2009, email exchange between Clinton and her then-Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills attempting to communicate over a secure line after Clinton returned from an overseas trip.
When there were issues setting up a secure communication, Clinton wrote to Mills, “I called ops and they gave me your ‘secure’ cells… but only got a high-pitched whining sound.”
Mills then suggested that Clinton try the secure line again, but the former secretary wrote back, “I give up. Call me on my home #.”
Problemet for Clinton er, at dette ikke er et isoleret tilfælde. Et tilsvarende i 2011 var endnu grovere. Da anmodet hun visestabschef om at fjerne klassificeret-stemplet i headingen og sende papirerne over en åben faxlinje. Der er så skødesløst, at enhver, der havde den mindste kontakt med den nationale sikkerhed forstår, at vedkommende sætter sig selv på afskedigelse eller værre.
Clinton’s choice not to use a secure phone line is similar to a previous June, 17, 2011 email exchange with then-State Department deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan, where she directed him to strip the classification markings of sensitive talking points and send through non-secure fax.
“They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it,” Sullivan wrote to Clinton.
“If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure,” Clinton responded.
In a separate email from Feb. 27, 2008 released Wednesday, Clinton apologized to health care activist/physician Mark Hyman for failing to respond to a message because, “no blackberry contact permitted in my office.”
Clinton ved, at hun ikke kan bruge BlackBerry på kontoret, og hun ved hvorfor, men hun bekymrer sig ikke om det. E-mailene bekræfter hendes holdninger. De var ikke tilfældige begivenheder. De var systematiske.
Måske har disse dryp-dryp afsløringer omsider kølet begejstringen for hende blandt folk på indsiden. De ser, at hun har gjort for mange og alvorlige brølere. I sum bliver de ødelæggende.
Men selvfølgelig, Hillary vil fremmane en version, at disse skandaler blev brugt til at fælde hende, for at forhindre hende i, at blive præsident. At der egentlig er en obstruktion af den demokratiske valgproces. Ligesom Dilma Rousseff og hendes tilhængere hævder, at afskedigelsen af hende, er et kup.
Venstrefløjen er dårlige tabere.
Det er helt utrolig at den kriminelle Hillary Clinton er norske stortingspolitikernes presidentfavoritt !
Nesten 70 prosent av stortingsrepresentantene som har svart Aftenposten håper det blir en ny Clinton som president.
Dette viser at norske stortingsrepresentanter kun forholder seg til PK-media og venstreside-journalistikk og ikke vil sette seg inn i tilgjengelige og reelle fakta om den høyst uetiske og korrupte Hillary Clinton.
( Se video “Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal” under denne posting )
Disse norske politikere støtter den høyst uetiske, kriminelle og korrupte Hillary Clinton:
Geir Pollestad (Sp)
Anette Trettebergstuen (Ap)
Hege Haukeland Liadal (Ap)
Henrik Asheim (H)
Kåre Simensen (Ap)
Kari Henriksen (Ap)
Peter Christian Frølich (H)
Knut Storberget (Ap)
Stein Erik Lauvås (Ap)
Lise Christoffersen (Ap)
Rigmor Aasrud (Ap)
Åsmund Aukrust (Ap)
Tor André Johnsen (Frp)
Hans Olav Syversen (KrF)
Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap)
Iselin Nybø (V)
Jan Bøhler (Ap)
Eirin Sund (Ap)
Lene Vågslid (Ap)
Magne Rommetveit (Ap)
Tove Karoline Knutsen (Ap)
Truls Wickholm (Ap)
Gunvor Eldegard (Ap)
Sveinung Rotevatn (V)
Siri A. Meling (H)
Marianne Aasen (Ap)
Tone Merete Sønsterud (Ap)
Marit Arnstad (Sp)
Helga Pedersen (Ap)
Terje Aasland (Ap)
Tina Bru (H)
Ove Trellevik (H)
Anders Tyvand (KrF)
Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap)
Trine Skei Grande (V)
Arve Kambe (H)
Sonja Mandt (Ap)
Odd Omland (Ap)
Anne Tingelstad Wøien (Sp):
Jenny Klinge (Sp)
Ingrid Heggø (Ap)
Erik Skutle (H)
Arild Grande (Ap)
Kristin Ørmen Johnsen (H):
Torgeir Micaelsen (Ap)
Else-May Botten (Ap):
Ketil Kjenseth (V):
Martin Henriksen (Ap):
Per Rune Henriksen (Ap):
Elin Rodum Agdestein (H):Video som viser fakta : “Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal”
Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight.
Documents Show Hillary’s Email Technician Was Underqualified For The Job
Newly released documents are raising more questions about whether the State Department IT specialist who managed Hillary Clinton’s private email system was qualified for the job.
Bryan Pagliano’s resume, which the State Department recently turned over to Judicial Watch,
shows he had neither experience nor certification in protecting email systems against cyber security threats.The IT director on Clinton’s 2008 campaign, Pagliano was hired as a Schedule C employee by the State Department in May 2009, much to the confusion of the agency’s career IT officials, who had never had a political appointee work in their shop.
Persian Gulf sheikhs gave Bill & Hillary $100 million
‘These regimes are buying access. There are massive conflicts of interest’
(Daily Caller) A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton received at least $100 million from autocratic Persian Gulf states and their leaders, potentially undermining Democratic presidential candidate Hillary’s claim she can carry out independent Middle East policies.
As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is “simply unprecedented,” says national security analyst Patrick Poole.
“These regimes are buying access. You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension,” Poole told TheDCNF in an
Overall, the Clinton Foundation has received upwards of $85 million in donations from five Persian Gulf states and their monarchs, according to the foundation’s website.
Hvilken president kandidat skal nå politikere i Norge & Danmark støtte ?
Hillary’s Days Are Numbered.
Or so it would appear.
During the past few weeks The FBI has dragged in Hillary’s assistant Huma Abadin and Bryan Pagliano, the IT specialist believed to have set up and maintained Clinton’s server.
FBI Closes In On Hillary’s Violation Of National Security
The Video That Puts Hillary in Jail!
We are living in amazing times. At 60 years of age, I have the benefit of hindsight. I’ve been watching
Hillary since 1971 (ironically, near the release of “Dark Side of The Moon”!) and I am shocked at the number ***things*** she appears to have gotten away with! It’s a real testimony to the lack of character of the democratic party that they would lower their standards so far as to be justify the presence of Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate!
If not for SOCIAL MEDIA this horrible woman would have continued to escape justice! However, with what the FBI already have, this video is prophetic laying out the future for Hillary’s journey to prison.
….. skandalen spiser endnu mere af Hillarys troværdighed !